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"The aliens are lying!" Willa shouts out, causing all attention to fall on her. "They've come to takes what's ours! We should have never let Addison welcome in those outsiders!"

Addison looks around confused and worried. Zed teps forwards ready to guard.

"Step back zed." The wolves necklaces and eyes begin to glow as they snarl at zed. I grab into a-lans arm, mildly afraid im about to get murdered.

Zed positions his hands ready to fight as we stay cowering behind him.

"So much passion!" A-spen places a hand on their chest.

"Uhh she wants to rip your heart out." Zed replies sarcastically.

A-spen smiles excitedly, "she can have it!"

I look at her smiling, seems like i have a new ship. Enemies to loversss! Perfect.

All of a sunned a Bucky runs from behind Willa grabbing onto the cup trying to pull it from addies hands.

"Gimme it Addison! You won it, its mine!" He shouts like a greedy toddler.

"No!" Addison pushes him away into wyatt as she begins to run towards zed and us.

"She's stealing the seabrook cup!" I hear Bucky shout faintly as we begin to run out the door. Everyone following behind.

We run outside the building to see z patrol cars all parked around stopping us from leaving. The other aliens lucky made it up safely. Now only a-lan, a-spen and a-li where left.

"Beam us up mothership now!" A-li shouts as a beam begins to grow around them. I stand back near to Zed. I feel a sick worried feeling in my stomach. Like somethings about to go wrong.

The wolves run into the circle. They begin to use there powers, there moonstone growing brighter. An energy wave shoots out from them causing the beam up to fail, leaving the three aliens to fall into the ground.

The ship begins to change between red and blue shaking slightly. That does not look good. I look at a-lan who's Now on the floor with the other two. I run to them.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I ask visibly panicked kneeling next to them.

"That... hurt." A-lan replies with a slight raspy voice as he tries to bounce back from the pain.

I turn to the sound of Addie shouting between a zombie zed and the angry wolves. "Enough!"

The wolves relax as I watch there moonstones quickly stop glowing. Zed swipes on his z band turning him back to a normal zombie.

Addie walks towards us. "Are you three ok? Im so sorry I wish everyone in seabrook could just except others!"

She holds our her hand offering to help up a-li and a-spen as I get up myself, helping up a-lan.

"Yes enough!" Willa interrupts, "this is your fault too Addison you let these aliens in and they lied to us! They betrayed us- you betrayed us!"

I clench my fists at her worlds.

She carries on, "so you either with us or"

Addison finishes her sentence for her "with them? But I am them Willa!"

I exchange similar glances with zed. Hows seabrook gonna take this?

Addison continues "I may be from Seabrook but my grandma wasn't. I am." She pauses lifting up her lunar lense, "An alien!"

The crowd erupts into gasps and stares. I grab back onto a-lans.

Addie holds the lense in her hand as spreads out her arms, the magic from the lense begin to pour out slowly covering Addie. The light grows brighter and brighter till its to bright to look at causing me let go of a-lan, bringing both my hands to my face to try block out some of the light.

A few seconds pass and the light finally dies down to reveal A new unrecognisable Addison. She had blue long hair with markings around the eyes matching those of the aliens. She now wore a blue dress with her sleeves, belt and shorts being silver. Accompanied with matching high heels. Damn she had a glow up!!

"Addison is one of us!" A-spen yells happily.

"And she's amazing." Bree adds taking a step closer to take a better look.

Addison smiles before turning to her mom, "mom! Grandma angie was an alien"

Missy steps forwards as dale stands there trying to see if missy will deny it, to tell him its not true.

Missy turns around, "dale im so sorry." Dale looks down at the floor clearly trying or process as missy turns back Addie. "I know, I've always known."

Addie stews at her shocked, "you lied to me?"

"My parents thought that hiding was the best way to protect me. And you." She smiled, grandma always called you her most precious thing."

Me and the aliens turn to a-li. A-spen takes out their lense and begins to move it up and down the trophy, They finish causing the lense to turn red.

"No, no, no. The coordinates are not here." They look up to us. "This is not the map."

Before we could have time to grieve Addison turns around, "thats because the map isn't a what. Its a who!" She places her hand out infront of a-spen gesturing for them to scan it. A-spen lense flashes slightly before turning green.

"Addisons our map!" A-lan shout excitedly

"The coordinates are in her dna!" A-spen explains turning to look at the other aliens

They all turn to each other shouting excitedly in sync, "instrumomo!"

"Your the scouts-"a-spen corrects themselves, "your grandmothers most precious thing!"

Addison happily nodds before her attentions is drawn on Zed.

"Yess! We found the map!" He shouts running towards Addie for a hug.

He spreads out his arms, but immediately he gets shocked by a blue electricity. Addie stands there apologising as zed finishes being electrocuted.

"Ok! Lets figure that out later!" He yells taking a few steps back. "But this is great! Now you guys can record your coordinates and head back home and Addison and I are headed to mountain collage together! I got in."

I look up at a-lan who's exchanging bad looks with the other aliens causing my stomach to drop. Theres clearly something more to this.

"Thats great zed!" Addison shouts gleefully going in for a hug before quickly stopping herself but still remaining her smile.

Everyone around smiles and chuckles, happy that everything worked out. I look up to a-lan nudging his arm. I give him a worried and confused look.

A-li speaks up breaking Addisons happiness, "but the map to utopia is dynamic, constantly computing new units to guide our spaceship. Its not just some numbers"

A-lan continues, "and since Addison is our map.."

"She needs to come with us." A-spen finishes causing everyone to stop celebrating.

"What?" Addison's replies in disbelief.

"No. No! You cannot take Addison!" Zed refuses, Addison's stares at the floor shocked.

"These are my people, Zed." She turns around to zed, "they need me to survive!"

I look at Addison as I feel tears form in my eyes. She turns to me giving me a slight smile before looking back at zed. " when the aliens leave im going with them."

People in the crowd all stare between each other murmuring and staring unable to believe what they where hearing.

Zed looks at me. He stares as I see similar tears in his eyes. He turns around and begins to walk away.

"No Zed please wait!" Addison chases after him.

Real realisation hits, not only would I be loosing the guy I loved but one of my best friends to, forever.

I feel the tears begin to fall down my face. I turn around to a-lan digging my head into his side. He stands there confused on what to do for a Few seconds before putting his arms around me for comfort.

What am I gonna do.

Different type of love (a-lan x Fem y/n)  (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now