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I Walk into Stadium to see only Addie on the stage looking up at the trophy.

I Look to the side to see a-lan and the other aliens preparing. I walk over to them, a-lan notices me and smiles not changing seance the first time we met.

"Hey guys." I give a slight wave accompanied with a small smile. "You guys are gonna win this for sure!"

"Why thank you y/n!" A-spen smiles gratefully

A-Li moves forwards looking at the cup, "when we win we will finally have the coordinates to utopia!"

"And we can leave this planet." A-lan adds on.

I smile as a politely excuse myself. Giving them a one last Good luck.

Rushing outside I accidentally run into someone. "Ahh god sorry." I say quickly, I look up to a see a brown haired wolf boy. I didn't know his name but id seen him around school before.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention!" He hurriedly apologises back. "Hey it's y/n right?"

I stare at him astonished, "how'd you..."

"Your best friends with the most popular zombie and cheerleader in seabrook. Do you not realise how popular you are!" He says surprised, like this is common knowledge.

"I am?" I say completely oblivious.

"Yea! My names Justin!" He says putting out a hand to shake it. I accept.

Justin's about 3 foot taller than me. Brown and white hair a little like Wyatt's but slightly shorter and messier. He had a small plat near his ear.

"Soo, you ok? you look... upset." He asks gesturing to a seat on the floor near the entrance.

I sigh and sit down leaning my head back against the wall. " well i don't know it's a lot I don't wanna weird you out or anything it's pretty stupid to be honest."

He takes a seat beside me, also pacing his head against the wall. "Nahh tell me people have always said im a good listener."

I sigh and give in, "I fell inlove for the first time and it was with one of the aliens. And now he's leaving today to go to his own planet and I'm never gonna see him again. And worse or all I don't even know if he loves me back he hasn't say anything and my best friend Addie is telling me I gotta let him go but i tried and I cant." I place my head into my knees, "I don't know what to do."

"Oh wow. That sounds rough. But I understand how it feels to have to let someone you have fallen in love with go." He sighs.

"How come?" I peer up at him slightly,

"I asked out my best friend who I had fallen in love with years before. But guess what. HE was straight. But he accepted and i was over the moon. But not even 2 days later I catch him making out with some girl talking about how gross i was." A tear falls from his eye.

"I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Loves sucks doesn't it."

He nods in agreement. I open my mouth to speak again before being interrupted by a voice.

"Y/n? What you doing on the floor?" Zed shouts confused.

I stand up wiping my eyes from any potential tears.

"Just talking what's the time?" I stand up stretching a hand out to help Justin up.

"It's cheer time y/n!!! Come on let's sit down!" He grabs my wrist taking me inside. I quickly wave bye to Justin before I could be dragged to far out of view.

We take a seat near the back just i time to see the eels take the stage. Near the end of the eels performance zeds phone begins to ring. He picks it up rushing out of the performance.

I watch till the performance ends but Zed didn't return. How long is this phone call? I shake it off till I hear the aliens being called up. The crowd cheers louder as we wait for the aliens to take the stage. We wait longer but they fail to show up leaving the judges no choice but to disqualify them. Calling for Our team.

I tell Zoe im going to the bathroom as I leave to look for zed or a-lan. I walk towards the door to see zed followed by all the aliens walking through behind him, hidden in the shadows despite there shiny attire.

"What's going on zed?" I walk to him half whispering.

"The z patrol are after them. Its up to Addison to win that trophy Now." He responds as Addie runs onto the stage

Zed begins to watch her as I silently shuffle back till im standing next to a-lan.

"Hey." I say catching his attention.

"Hello, I need to tell you something. It would have been preferable to have told you earlier but left before I had a chance."

I look up at him my eyes widening. "Yeah what's up?" My face grows red knowing where this is probably leading.

"I have great feelings for you." He states calmly. My face heats up more.

"What are you sure Its feeling?" I blurt out panicking. What do I mean aRe YoU sUrE? Im so stupid!

"Well from what I have researched and a-spen has told me all my symptoms around you point to The idea I have strong feelings for you; The sweaty palms, racing of heart, Feelings of something called butterfly's in my stomach and a desire to be around you."  I look at him my face now basically the same temperature as the sun.

"Well I have great feelings for you to. But what's gonna happen when you leave to go to your planet." I ask leaning my head on his arm.

"Well people normally move onto a relationship after this but as I am leaving it is probably for the best we do not." He voice quietens sounding disappointed.

"Yeah.. it'd be for the best." Rub my eye as I watch the remainder of addies performance. I didn't feel upset though, I felt more happy. I know he likes me back. He actually likes me. And Now I get to be with him as he leaves to find something he's been searching for his entire life.

I smile as I watch Addie get thrown into the air. Everyone sits at the edge of there seats dying to see if Addie was gonna actually make the most hardest cheerleading move to exist.

Addie flys through the air managing to perform it perfectly making the Crowd and me erupt into cheers and applauds. Seabrook is declared the winner.

A-lan and I turn to each other excited as he places his arms around me, lifting me up in the air and spinning me around for a few seconds before placing me down to celebrate with a-spen.

Addison runs to the front of the stage holding up the cup in joy before being interrupted by a voice. It was Willa and the wolves + a Bucky.

"The aliens are liars!!"

Different type of love (a-lan x Fem y/n)  (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now