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"WAKE UP!" Someone shouts making me immediately jolt up terrified.

"Zeddddd whyyyyy it's to early to be waking me up!" I respond yawning and rubbing my eyes.

He ignores me, "where did you go yesterday? Are you ok What's wrong with your hand? You lied yesterday didn't you, you would not need a bandage for a small scratch? Do you know what's happening with the aliens? Also I have some news! Btw it's 3 in the afternoon." He rushes his words making them barely understandable.

"Zed breathe. I went home yesterday, My hands fine I just burn it a bit but it's not serious, I have no clue what's happening with the aliens, what's your news-"
I say trying to remember all of his questions, "oh yeah and if it's 3pm WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME FOR SCHOOL!"

He opens his mouth to speak before closing it again trying to think about what to say, "i thought maybe you were sick anyway you won't Believe was we found out yesterday!" I sit up intrigued, while I hug a pillow in my lap placing my head on the top of it. "I was talking to aspen ,there one of the aliens, and they found a loophole and I can get into mountain collage!"

I sit up out of excitement throwing the pillow onto the sofa. "Really!? I'm so happy for you!!" I shout running up and giving him a hug.

"There coming for an interview tomorrow." He yells enthusiastically. "And it's all thanks to the aliens! I should probably Fill you in on what's happening to."

I Stare at hin Blankly as he explains everything happening with the aliens stay.

"So yeah that's about it. I'm Meeting them later which reminds me I gotta go!" He sits up to leave.

"Can I come I got nothing better to do." I argue.

"Fine I'll ask them you stay here they'll Beam you up if they except." He gives in.

I quickly run to my room to get changed who knows when there gonna 'Beam' me up. I put on a skirt and top with jacket over it. I've never really been a skirt person but why not.

I run back downstairs and Turn on the tv. Guess I'll just watch some owl House while I wait.


Zed gets beamed up into the spaceship by the three aliens.

"Hello." Aspen asked excitedly,

"Hey would it be ok if I had a friend join us her names y/n ?" Zed asks making all the aliens begin to think.

"Do you think this Y/n will be of much help to us?" A-spen asks curiously.

"I believe it would be useful to have more people to expand our knowledge on seabrook." A-Lan adds in.

"Very well." A-Li declared, "mother ship could you ,please, beam up zeds friend Y/n?"


I sit on my sofa watching the last episode of owl house, just about to see if they go through the door.
I watch in the edge of the seat almost falling off. Luz is holding on tight to king when all of a sudden blue begins to shine all around me. I stand up in shock. What's happening!?!?. I look down at my feet and back up to see I'm no longer in my lounge. I see zed and three aliens standing around me.

"hello." A familiar blue boy smiles at me. He really likes to smile. "we haven't officially met yet, My name is A-lan what is your name?"

I stare at him for a second trying to process what's going on "Y/n...nice to meet you." I place my hand out for a handshake before zed hits my wrist away to stop me.

Different type of love (a-lan x Fem y/n)  (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now