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I wake up to the sound of a car pulling into the drive. I open my eyes instantly remembering what happened last nigh.. I feel something on my head. I look down to see i was resting on a familiar blue shoulder.

I sit up fast as I hear the lock begin to turn. A-lan wakes up to my sudden movement and his headrest leaving home him without any support.

I stand up quickly rushing towards the door just as it swings open. Leaving a half-asleep a-lan sitting confused on the sofa.

"Heyyyyy aunt!" I pull her into a big hug.

"Heyy y/n....? What's with the hug and it's 3 am what are you doing up?"

"Ohhh nothingggg. You look tired"

"Well thanks" aunt says sarcastically.

"Oh sorry.." I laugh awkwardly. "But you do, you should go to bed." I say pushing her towards the stairs before she can see a basically asleep boy in her lounge at 3 in the morning.

"We'll actually I was thinking of grabbing a snack before I went up. I haven't eaten much." She replies moving from my grasp.

"You mean a snack......... from the kitchen..... that's on the other side of the lounge....." I say growing more panicked, "n-no need for that I'll make one for you And bring it up!!!" I push her back towards the stairs basically forcing her to walk up.

"If you say so." She raises an eyebrow clearly noticing somethings up but being to tired to ask.

I walk back downstairs after making sure aunt got into her room and hasn't decide for some reason to come back downstairs. I Sigh in Relief, I go back to the lounge to see a-lan who had fallen back asleep, using the sofas arm as a pillow.

I smile, taking the blanket and placing it back on top of him before going to the kitchen, making aunts toast.

I walk upstairs turning the little light that we had on, off and grabbing my notebook. I go to give my aunt her snack but seeing her already asleep. With that i head to my room with the food. , what? Someone's gotta eat it!

I begin writing down what had just happened in my notebook slightly in denial while eating the toast I had prepared.  This is probably the best night I have ever experienced.


I wake up around 6 am with my open notebook laying on my chest. I move it to the side and move off the bed slipping on my robe. I go to close my notebook when a name catches my eye , a-lan. OMG A-LAN SLEPT HERE LAST NIGHT! MY AUNT MIGHT BE UP RIGHT NOW AND MIGHT HAVR ALREADY SEEN HIM SHES GONNA KILL ME. Ok cmon calm down I'm sure everything's fine. Take Deep breaths. She's couldn't have possibly seen him. But let's check anyway.

I run out my room throwing my door open, I reach the top of the stairs tripping over my own foot Almost falling over but just about managing to catch myself on the side of the wall. I rush downstairs to the lounge running into the side of the doorway bruising my arm. I look towards the sofa to see it empty with the blanket neatly folded laying where a-lan was last night.

I sigh in relief before realising. Where did he go?! I look in the bathroom. Empty. Kitchen. Empty. Garage. Empty. My aunts room. Empty.

Don't really know why I checked the garage or aunts room but I did it anyway.  He's a weird fellow so who knows but It looked like he had left.

I sit down on the sofa to process everything that has happened. I sit there thinking, should I tell a-lan I have... feelings nooo I couldn't. But, i don't know. Well tonight it's the cheer competition i could then. I need to be there anyway, to support Addie and the aliens.

I lay my head down onto the Folded blanket, pulling out my phone to see 3 new messages.

[Addie📣💖: heyy! Dw about us hanging out, I know you had a-lan over 😘.] 

[Addie📣💖: oh and I need to speak urgently to you tomorrow I'll be at yours at 8.]

[Addie 📣💖 sent a photo]

[Addie 📣💖 sent a photo]

[Addie 📣💖 sent a photo]

I stare at her first message... she saw. I feel my face growing hot again. I look at the last few notification. Pictures? I press on them. Expecting them to be random cats or some flirty jokes about me and a-lan but instead finding pictures of me and a-lan together from last night on the sofa.

I place my phone face down on the sofa my face basically hot enough to cook a bbq. I lift up my phone slightly till we're just about visible. I stare at it for a few seconds before quickly switching my phone off and placing it back down.

I should watch Netflix! Yep. I look at the clock It's about 6:40. I got time for a movie, I put on Madagascar before laying down hugging a pillow.

I stay there till the movie finished before checking the Time to see it was 8:03. Addie should almost be her-

The doorbell rings.

That's her! I Walk to the door, unlocking and opening it. To see a sympathetic Addie on the other side.

Confused I begin talking, "Heyy what you wanna talk about it sounded serious?"

She walks in taking off her shoes before stepping onto the carpet. "I wanna talk about what's going on between you and a-lan." She says smiling.

I role my eyes and invite her in to sit on the sofa. We sit down chatting for a bit. I explain everything since the smiling to the hand healing to yesterday.

"You really like him don't you." She says smiling sadly, "but remember today is the day of the competition...."

"Yeah so?" I respond clueless.

"It means tonight he's gonna be sent away we hope with his coordinates and leave to find his own Planet." She says looking at me.

"Right. The utopia thing of course. I.... Forgot about that." I lean back on the back of the Sofa facing the ceiling.

"You ok?" Addie asks putting a Hand in my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"Yep! I mean I've only known him for a couple days it's fine right! You can't Fall in Love with an Alien that you've known briefly for like 3 days can you?! I mean like if he liked me anyway he would have said earlier like a-spen so it's clear he doesn't like me! Right! Plus After tonight im Never gonna ever See him again will i!? But anyway I'm Fine yep fine!" I Rush my words causing me to stutter.

She gives me a side hug catching me off guard.

"Thanks Addie." I say, calming down.

"It's fine. It's clear you love him I mean I Fell inlove with Zed in about a day. but you just gotta let him go and make the most of the time he's here as a friend!"

I sigh. "I Guess."

Different type of love (a-lan x Fem y/n)  (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now