013 Mrs. Covington Rehearsal

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013 Mrs

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013 Mrs. Covington Rehearsal

Julia woke up smiling, getting up chipperly before putting on her white sundress, white heals, a gold necklace and the turtle necklace. She curled her hair quickly so they were loose, then walking downstairs into the kitchen, where everyone except Belly.

"Morning." She muttered, stealing Jeremiahs's orange juice and taking a sip of it. He looked up at her, ready to yell at whoever it was when he saw her smiling down at him as she drank it. He quickly smiled, remembering last night when they kissed, then looking at her dress and heals. His jaw dropped quickly as he looked her up and down.

"Wow..." Julia rolled her eyes with a smile before pushing his chin up so his jaw had shut.

"Pick up your jaw, you'll catch flies." She snickered, putting his orange down and walking over to her mom.

"Hey, are you ready? Oh, you look so pretty!" Laurel smiled, hugging her daughter.

"Thanks, Mom." Julia smiled before pulling away from the hug and sitting down next to Conrad. He smiled at her before eating more of his cereal.

"Where's Belly?" Julia questioned, looking around. The two girls had their dance rehearsal with Mrs. Covington, which Julia was dreading since she couldn't dance formally. But, she did it for Susannah because she couldn't crush her dream to see Julia and Belly dancing in white, and she couldn't stop thinking about it.

"In the car." Laurel said before standing up, patting Julia's shoulder. "Come on." Julia stood up, smiling over at Jeremiah before the two left the room. She heard Jeremiah yell "Good Luck!" To her, causing her to smile to herself.


Julia and Belly walked into the country club after Laurel dropped them off, smiling at each other. "So, what's going on with you and Jere?" Belly questioned, smirking torwards Julia as she frowned.

"What? Nothing's going on?" Julia asked nonchalantly, trying to hide the truth that they had kissed last night.

"Yeah. I'm not buying that." Belly tilted her head at Julia, causing her to scoff.

"Okay, well it doesn't matter because if something did happen- which nothing did- I wouldn't tell you. Not trying to sound mean but you did kind of sell me out yesterday in front of Nicole, Shayla, Gigi and Cam. So... Oh, and you told Shayla about Steven and Taylor, which you had promised to keep secret." Julia reminded her with a smile, causing Belly to sigh, looking down.

"Yeah, I know. I messed up and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've ever said this summer, actually. I know I've been kinda, like, mean to you, I guess it's because you get more attention from the family than I do. I was jealous."

"What? Bells, I don't get more attention that you do. That's crazy. Yeah, I get to hang out with the boys more, but they love you just the same. They only pick on you like that because you're the youngest. It may not be fair treatment but it's because they love you." Julia smiled at Belly. "And I forgive you."

𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒,   jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now