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The stars were flawless, shimmering in the sky above as a cooling and gentle breeze rustled the plant life. Everything was so perfect here, and yet there was an increasing sense of doubt deep within the heart of Mosscloud, who traversed the starry hunting grounds of StarClan. She had spent countless seasons trapped outside of StarClan's borders, and she was finally back home with the cats she loved. She loved hearing all the stories of her Clan as well as the others. Everything seemed so perfect, but it didn't take Mosscloud long to see that darkness loomed on the horizon.

A meeting had been called by several medicine cats and Mosscloud was on her way. She padded quickly through the forest until she spotted the medicine cats at the meeting location. It was at the edge of the rushing river, several cats sat on the soft sandy bank of the river. She first recognized Skyclaw, an old MoonClan medicine cat as well as Ravenheart the medicine cat who trained Oneflight.

Representing LichenClan was Sagefeather and Barkclaw, representing SunClan was Feathernose and Honeywing and representing AshClan was Featherstorm and Eagleclaw. "Welcome, Mosscloud." Skyclaw dipped her head.

"Now why does MoonClan get three representatives?" Eagleclaw stared down Mosscloud who stood her ground. "Not to mention she hasn't been around for the past several seasons."

"She is not representing MoonClan, Eagleclaw." Featherstorm glared down at her former apprentice. I'm not? "She's representing MountainClan." Oh. She supposed it made sense, MountainClan had no ancestors.

"What we're talking about involves every Clan, including MountainClan. She is the best we have for a representative as she helped form the Clan." Skyclaw explained. "Take a seat, Mosscloud."

Mosscloud nodded, she had done her best to get to know the other medicine cats, even if some of them had sour attitudes. She sat down, ignoring Eagleclaw's attitude and waited for them to begin speaking.

"I know that most all of you have had this feeling of unease." Featherstorm began. "I've been feeling it since before MountainClan arrived at the mountains. Though last night I had a horrible nightmare. It was pure darkness, I heard cats yowling in fury and the air was ripe with the scent of blood. I couldn't see anything, until a red light filled the sky. I looked up and the moon was blood red."

Mosscloud blood felt cold. A blood moon? Surely that can't be good. "I remember hearing stories of a blood moon when I was an apprentice," Featherstorm continued. "It served as a omen to a terrible battle. This was one of AshClan's darkest moments in history, the uprising led by Splashstar to reclaim AshClan from tyranny. It was the bloodiest battle the Clan had ever faced."

"So you think this is once again warning us of a violent battle?" Feathernose mewed.

"I believe so." Featherstorm nodded. "I'm not sure which Clans are under warning, but we need to exercise caution. If we're not careful the Clans could tear each other apart."

"Battles are a part of Clan life." Sagefeather spoke up. "They are inevitable."

"Not all battles are necessary." Honeywing mewed. "Sometimes they're driven by careless warriors who only thirst for blood." There was a sharp edge to Skyclaw's voice.

"I think we all know which Clan will be involved." Skyclaw muttered under his breath, but his eyes briefly glanced at the AshClan medicine cats.

"If you have something to say, then say it Skyclaw." Eagleclaw spat.

Skyclaw lifted his head and cleared his throat. "AshClan is always the root of violence, it always starts with them."

"I seem to recall a particular period in MoonClan's history when they assaulted LichenClan over and over." Sagefeather flicked her tail.

"There is no need to go around accusing everyone." Feathernose raised his voice. "Violence can stem from any Clan. Thornstar was from SunClan and caused one of the most violent battles in the forest, not to mention Elmstar's assault on SunClan. Every Clan is capable of violence and arguing amongst ourselves isn't going to help prevent this battle."

"Feathernose is right." Barkclaw mewed. "AshClan and SunClan currently have a truce and there hasn't been so much as a border skirmish since Echoheart's attack, and the Clans came together during that time. If we can warn our medicine cats then we can avoid this battle."

Mosscloud suddenly saw a flash of white as a massive, pure white owl appeared in the sky. Her eyes went wide as the owl's haunting screech sounded, but it only made noise from within her own head. She felt her body freeze as she witnessed the owl.

"Mosscloud?" Ravenheart rose to his paws. "Are you alright?"

"I saw...." Mosscloud struggled to regain her stability, the owl's cry still vivid in her mind and her ears ringing. "An owl." She shook her head, and another image entered her mind. Of course. "We have to give Owlpaw this message."

"The SunClan apprentice?" Featherstorm tilted her head.

"Yes, Owlpaw must be the cat to receive this message."

"She's just an apprentice, and she's been a medicine cat for less than two moons." Sagefeather pointed out.

"Please do not forget what Owlpaw did. Owlpaw was the one who convinced Mountainstar to speak to StarClan and she guided and helped to train Mothflower. She saved lives on her mission and she has been forced to have a lot of experience. Plus, this very well could be the reason that MountainClan was formed. They could play a part in preventing this violent battle."

"But Owlpaw is a SunClan cat, not a MountainClan cat."
"True, but she will always be connected to them."

"I believe Mosscloud." Featherstorm lifted her head. "We should deliver the message to Owlpaw, she is clearly an important cat. Mosscloud may be new, but she is far older than all of us. We must respect her."

"Thank you, Featherstorm." Mosscloud dipped her head.

"Very well then." Skyclaw bowed his head. "We can deliver this message to Owlpaw. I just hope that she's not too young to handle this burden."

"She's already handled more than any of us." Ravenheart replied. "She can handle this as well, and she is not alone."

"We will figure out a way to deliver this message to Owlpaw,." Featherstorm mewed. "But if we don't act soon enough, I fear that the Clans we love will be driven to destruction delivered by their own claws."

Waging War Book 3: Blood Red Moon {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now