Chapter 24

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Owlpaw opened her eyes and she was back in the Spirit Garden with the other medicine cats who were waking up as well. She didn't even bother checking for Mothflower cause now she knew the truth. Mothflower is gone.

Owlpaw looked around at the other medicine cats, she wondered if she should tell them all right away, but she decided against it. I'll teel Honeyfrost and Pebblestep once we're alone, and then I'll go to MountainClan camp and help them prepare herbs, then I'll try and figure out what to do and hope StarClan sends me a sign on who the next medicine cat of MountainClan should be.

Owlpaw remained silent as the other medicine cats gathered and they headed out of the Spirit Garden and made the long journey back to their territories. Blackstorm remained distant from the other medicine cats as usual, but she couldn't help but notice Oneflight did the same. I wonder what is going on with them? Blackstorm was always distant, but Oneflight never was. He was always friendly with the other medicine cats but now he seemed incredibly distant. Owlpaw couldn't focus too much on him, though. She had much bigger issues to worry about.

The walk through the freezing cold air was long, Blackstorm and Roseheart broke off from the group to go home quickly and the reaming three reached the river border just before the sun started to rise. They bid farewell to Oneflight and the SunClan cat medicine cats stepped into their own territory.

Owlpaw felt exhausted and her lungs were starting to ache, but she couldn't keep it hidden any longer. "Mothflower left MountainClan."

Both Honeyfrost and Pebblestep came to a stop and turned to look at Owlpaw. "She left? What do you mean?"
"Mosscloud told me that Mothflower left, and isn't coming back. She couldn't handle being a medicine cat and she left."

Concern filled Honeyfrost's eyes and she looked at Owlpaw for a long moment. "Wasn't she chosen by StarClan?"

Owlpaw nodded. "StarClan guided me to her and she seemed to be doing well when I left her and Mosscloud was training her as well, but she got overwhelmed." Owlpaw dropped her head. "Maybe I didn't train her well enough."
"Owlpaw you weren't even a medicine cat when you started training her, you gave her what little knowledge you had and Mosscloud did the rest." Pebblestep explained. " If Mothflower couldn't handle being a medicine cat then that's on her, not you."

"I need to do something." Owlpaw replied frantically. "MountainClan needs to be prepared for sickness and injuries, they can't get by without herbs."

Pebblestep sighed. "I know you're worried about them Owlpaw, but MountainClan is not your responsibility, you--"

"Yes they are!" Owlpaw cried. "I helped build them, I know they're not my Clan but I need to help them!"

Pebblestep was silent for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. "What exactly do you want to do to help them?"

Owlpaw was a little surprised that she was asking, she honestly figured it would be more a fight. "I want to go to MountainClan camp and gather herbs for illness and teach them how to best use them for illness until StarClan sends me a sign for the next MountainClan medicine cat like Mosscloud said they would."

"Get some rest tonight, sleep and get your energy. Then I will allow you to travel to MountainClan territory and help them prepare for illness. You can even provide them some of our herbs that we have excess of. You may stay the night if you need to and make sure they are prepared. If that will help you feel better about MountainClan then I will allow it." Pebblestep turned to Honeyfrost who gave an approving nod.

"Thank you both." Owlpaw dipped her head and breathed out a sigh of relief. The three medicine cats continued heading home, finally reaching camp and settling into their nests to get sleep and keep warm.

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