Chapter 16

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Mountainstar stepped out of her den, the bitter cold stone beneath her paws making her wince. Leaf-bare seems harsher here than it did in my old home. Mountainstar thought to herself. But we were in a sheltered cave. She had to remind herself. Despite her strong dislike of the cold, she did love her new home.

Mountainstar stretched out to wake herself up then ventured down into the main MountainClan camp. She saw some warriors getting ready for the day, huddling close together or hiding in the warrior's den to keep warm until they were needed. Mountainstar took clear notice of Antwhisker and Riverstep. The two were standing next to each other, their tails intertwined as they huddled close together.

Mountainstar felt warmth in her chest watching them, it was clear that the two of them had becomes mates, and Mountainstar quietly prayed that they would have kits together. She would be so excited to welcome the forest kits born into MountainClan, to her it seemed almost as a blessing from StarClan that her Clan would succeed.

Mountainstar turned her attention away from the two cats and decided to go to the medicine cat den to check on Sorrelfern. It had been several days since Oneflight visited to help Mothflower treat the she-cat's injury and Mountainstar had been making sure to keep an eye on her to make sure everything was going well.

Mountainstar crossed the camp quickly and peered into Mothflower's den. The medicine cat was sitting near the back of her den, and the scent of infection had faded leaving only the scent of herbs. Sorrelfern was sitting up in her nest, giving herself a wash as her injured leg was sticking out.

"Good morning you two." Mountainstar greeted as she stepped inside. Mothflower jumped slightly but turned around, her eyes relaxing.

"Oh, good morning, Mountainstar."

"Good morning." Sorrelfern mewed, she looked a lot better than she had in previous days.

"How is the wound healing up?"

"It's going well, thanks to Oneflight." Mothflower mewed awkwardly. "I've been following his instructions and the wound is healing well."
"I'm really glad to hear that." Mountainstar purred. "Any idea when she will be able to return to her duties? I don't mean to rush, I'm just curious."

A shadow of doubt crossed Mothflower's face. "I'm...not sure." She said, looking at Sorrelfern. "I don't want to put her out too early. Maybe in a few more days?" She was clearly doubting her skills too, she refused to take any credit for healing the injury and would only ever say Oneflight was the one who did it.

Mountainstar withheld a sigh. "Well, I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Keep up the good work, Mothflower." She did her best to build Mothflower's confidence, but it was clear that it had little to no effect on her. Mountainstar slumped her shoulders and turned out of the den, back into the cold morning air. I just don't know what I can do to help her. Mountainstar sighed. She's doing a good job, I just wish she could see it. Mountainstar shoved the thoughts away, she was just glad that Sorrelfern would be okay, that was the main concern. She felt like she had spent so much time fretting over Mothflower, she needed a break.

She looked across the camp and found Nettleheart organizing patrols. I need to get out of camp. Mountainstar trotted over to the deputy. "Good morning, Nettleheart." She instantly felt better as Nettleheart turned her amber gaze onto her.

"Good morning." Nettleheart mewed, waving her tail. "Sleep well?"

"I did." Mountainstar purred, feeling her voice grow soft upon speaking to her deputy. "I was wondering if you could put me on a hunting patrol. I wanna warm myself up."

"Of course." Nettleheart replied, her voice just as soft, almost like honey to Mountainstar's ears. She noticed the nearby warriors giving them a strange look which caused Mountainstar's pelt to burn slightly. "I've got Dewleaf leading, Sparrowpaw, Flintfoot, and Poppysong a hunt near towards the LichenClan border. You can join them."

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