Chapter 15

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It's almost time. Blossompaw thought as she glanced up towards the setting sun. In just a short amount of time, it would be time for Blossompaw's hunting contest against Slatepaw and she would be sure to defeat him. I have to.

She had dedicated most of her time awake to training and refining her hunting skills, she no longer struggled as much hunting in the snow as she had been working hard on how to cloak her dark pelt from the eyes of her prey. She had been sacrificing a little bit of sleep in order to keep hunting but no one knew she had been doing so.
She felt more tired than usual, but she was making sure not to overwork herself too much as for her mentor and family to notice. She was certain that it would all pay off in the end when she finally put Slatepaw in his place. She had thought about this every single day since she met Slatepaw at the border, and she had never been more determined in her life.

"Blossompaw, stop daydreaming." Blossompaw blinked and remembered that she was still on patrol. Mudfall was looking at her with confusion in his eyes and looking a little annoyed while the rest of the patrol was looking at her with the same look of confusion.

"Sorry." She mewed, her pelt burning as she ran up to catch up with the rest of the patrol. I need to focus still, I can't let anyone know. She knew that what she and Slatepaw were doing wasn't technically against the rules, she knew they wouldn't appreciate it. At least she would bring back plenty of prey for the Clan.

She padded alongside the rest of the patrol, making sure that she stayed focused enough to completely the patrol. When it eventually came to an end and they returned to camp, Mudfall turned to Blossompaw. "You were out of it today, is everything okay?"

Blossompaw nodded. "Yep, everything is good."

Mudfall narrowed his eyes. "If you say so. You've been working hard today, I know it's not sundown yet but why don't you take it easy the rest of the night. You looked tired today." So he has noticed. Blossompaw thought, flicking her tail. I'll listen to him though.

"Okay, Mudfall." She dipped her head. "Thank you." He dipped his head in return and Blossomfall grabbed herself a small mouse from the fresh-kill pile. She knew she had been pushing herself a little too hard, but she was more frustrated with herself for making it so obvious.

She laid down by the apprentice den and began slowly eating her mouse. She took a careful glance around camp, trying to see what the Clan was up to. It wasn't snowing today, but there was a substantial amount of snow on the ground still, even if in the hollow it had mostly been cleared away by the heavy traffic of SunClan.

Her gaze drifted to the nursery where Mudfall had gone. His kits, along with Sedgefern's kits were playing in the snow, kicking up flurries and making tiny snowballs. She gradually turned her attention to the medicine cat den, passing by the elder's den which was wasn't showing much activity as the elders sheltered inside from the cold.

Her attention settled on the medicine cat den, she couldn't see inside so she couldn't see Owlpaw but she did see Pebblestep leaving the medicine cat with a bundle of herbs as she headed towards the elder's den. Blossompaw reflected on the conversation she and Owlpaw had a few days ago, she had been incredibly relieved that Owlpaw understood her struggles. She knew that Owlpaw struggled as a warrior apprentice, but knowing that she wasn't the perfect medicine cat that Blossompaw thought she was gave her a sense of relief. We really are sisters, and I know I can depend on her.

She also thought about the part of the conversation that revolved around Slatepaw. Hearing how vile of a cat he actually was just filled Blossompaw with a deeper drive to prove him wrong in their little contest. She flexed her claws, feeling them scrape against the cold stone beneath her paws. I will win. I have to. I can't let his ego grow any bigger.

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