Chapter 3

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Blossompaw looked around as the gathering came to a close. The five leaders hopped down and the various Clans began to converse with each other. On either side of Blossompaw was Rushpaw and Oakpaw, she wished that she could sit with Owlpaw but her sister was over with the medicine cats. She peered through the crowd and spotted her sister talking with the MountainClan medicine cat Mothflower as well as their leader.

It felt strange watching her sister talk to another Clan leader, even if they had gone on their journey together Owlpaw seemed very relaxed around them. She knew that Owlpaw missed Mountainstar deeply and would constantly wonder about them, but it seemed like MountainClan was doing just fine on their own. Blossompaw hoped that this would help Owlpaw relax and focus more on her own Clan.

Another set of conversing cats also caught Blossompaw's attention, she noticed Shadowstar and Riverstar talking quietly, both of them looked tense and while Shadowstar's back was to Blossompaw she could tell that Riverstar seemed very irritated. She shrugged it off, not sure exactly what to make it of it and turned her attention away.

Blossompaw wasn't sure who else to talk to, she didn't have a lot of friends from other Clans so she decided to see if she could hang out with Owlpaw after she was done talking to the others. She awkwardly padded up to her, wondering if she should even approach a Clan leader. As she grew closer to the three of them Owlpaw noticed her and turned to face her with a happy expression.

"Hi, Blossompaw." Owlpaw purred. "This is Mountainstar and Mothflower." She introduced eagerly.

"Hi," Blossompaw felt even more awkward that she was an apprentice casually meeting a Clan leader. "It's nice to meet you."

"You as well." Mountainstar purred. "Owlpaw talked a lot about you before we came here."

She did? Blossompaw thought with a purr, happy that her sister still thought about her when she was so far away. "She talks a lot about you too."

Owlpaw looked down bashfully. "I just worry." She said nervously and Blossompaw let out a purr of amusement.

"Why don't you go spend time with your sister, Owlpaw." Mountainstar suggested. "We'll see you at the next gathering."

"Alright." Owlpaw purred before turning to Mothflower who had stayed quiet this entire time. "I suggest you ask more questions to the older medicine cats. I'm still just an apprentice and have a lot to learn just like you do."

"Well thank you anyway, Owlpaw." Mothflower dipped her head, her voice was incredibly soft and quiet voice, Blossompaw could barely hear her. "Have a good rest of your night."

"You too." Owlpaw replied with a wave of her tail. "I'll see you at the half-moon." Owlpaw said goodbye one last time to the MountainClan cats and turned around, walking away with Blossompaw.

"It's weird that you're so familiar with a Clan leader." Blossompaw pointed out.

"Is it?" Owlpaw tilted her head. "I am a medicine cat after all, and our relationship is a bit different than anyone else's. Considering the journey we went on together."

"I suppose, there's nothing wrong with it it's just strange to see an apprentice with a leader from a different Clan."

"I never really thought about it, I knew Mountainstar before she was a leader and she's always been a good friend." Owlpaw shrugged, clearly not bothered by it. Blossompaw couldn't help but notice how much more confident Owlpaw seemed in herself. She struggled with her medicine cat duties, but she was a lot more sure of who she was. It made Blossompaw proud.

As the two of them walked together, talking about their training and other Clan things Owlpaw stopped as she noticed something. Blossompaw stopped as well and looked in the same direction and saw a dark gray tom, it was Slatepaw of AshClan.

Owlpaw seemed hesitant for a moment but she took a deep breath and padded forward. "Hi, Slatepaw." She greeted. The AshClan tom turned around and gave Owlpaw a confused look.

"What do you want?" Slatepaw replied with a slight growl to his tone, Blossompaw's tail twitched. What gives him the right to be so rude? She wondered.

"I-I just wanted to say hi. I haven't really seen you since we got back from the journey."

"Probably because we're from different Clans." Slatepaw said in a mocking tone. "I know we went on this big life changing journey together, or whatever, but let me make this clear. We are not friends, we never were friends and we never will be. I have no interest in having some scared, weak, little SunClan apprentice in my life."

Blossompaw let out a hiss and stepped forward, ahead of Owlpaw. "What's your problem?"

Slatepaw turned his attention to Blossompaw, his amber eyes burning. "My problem is her. She was annoying on the trip and she's annoying now."

"I seem to recall a story she told where she saved your tail from a dog." Blossompaw sneered.

Slatepaw flattened his ears and snarled. "I was fine on my own without her help."

"Clearly." Blossompaw scoffed. "Now I'm sure you're some big tough AshClan tom but it doesn't give you a right to act like a foxheart to the cats around you."

"I can act however I want." Slatepaw spat. "I'm not gonna have two little SunClan apprentices tell me what to do."

Blossompaw's ear twitched. "You keep calling us apprentices as an insult but I don't recall you becoming a warrior." Slatepaw let out a growl. "You're quite a bit older than us shouldn't you be a warrior already? Especially after that big journey, maybe Riverstar just thinks you're not good enough."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Slatepaw stepped forward, his claws extending and his eyes burning with anger. So he's really sensitive about that. Blossompaw flicked her tail. "What's the matter? Big strong AshClan apprentice isn't good enough to become a warrior?"

"You better knock it off before I swipe that smug look of your face."

"I'd like to see you try." Blossompaw stepped closer, both them with their teeth bared and claws unsheathed.

"Stop it!" Owlpaw jumped between the two of them, making Owlpaw step back. "We're at a gathering, we're under a truce." She looked between the two of them. Blossompaw had briefly forgotten about the gathering and stepped back, letting her body relax. "We're leaving you alone now, Slatepaw." Owlpaw growled and turned away, nudging Blossompaw forward.

"I'm sorry, Owlpaw." Blossompaw mewed. "That tom is just so frustratingly arrogant."

"Trust me, I know." Owlpaw sighed. "I spent a lot of time with him and he was just as bad. I don't why I thought I could be friends with him, I figured things had gotten better by the end of the journey but clearly I was wrong."

"He's not worth being friends with." Blossompaw replied, rolling her eyes. "He's only cares about himself."

"I know that now." Owlpaw looked at her sister with soft eyes. "It was pretty funny when you pointed out he wasn't a warrior yet. He was so certain that he would be a warrior once he got back." The two sisters shared a laugh together and started heading back to meet up with the rest of SunClan.

Blossompaw easily shoved Slatepaw out of her thoughts, all she wanted to think about was how happy she was to have her sister home and how excited she was that the two of them could grow and learn together.

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