Too early (4)

221 14 5

English is not my first language
Sorry for mistakes


We arrive at the barracks and prepare the surprise. We bought 16 boxes so 2 per person. We then install all this in the refectory and then Robert returns to his office waiting for the team to arrive. My father arrives about 10 minutes before the team.

When everyone arrives in the refectory they discover all the boxes on the table.

Vic : "Oh! A gift too good! » she's about to open the box but fortunately I'll stop it before

Andy : "I have a big surprise for you but everyone must be there, even the leader" Travis then goes to get him, once everyone sits I speak. "I'll explain how it works. You have in front of you 8 boxes, one each, in its boxes find 3 envelopes with clues about surprise, so you will open them at the same time. You can open! "

The first index contained the end date:

Vic : "What happens on October 14, 2020? "

Travis : "I don't understand, it's March. "

Andy : "I won't say anything! But you can open the second envelope »

In the second envelope was the word "Station 19"

Dean : "Ah I know!! "

Andy : "Oh well !? "I said, discreetly looking at Robert who gives the impression of being surprised as soon as he opens an envelope, he really missed an acting career

Dean : "Yes, it makes sense! On October 14, there will be a firefighters' ball at Station 19! "

Andy : "No, that's not that," I said laughing. "Someone else has an idea ? "

Everyone gives me a negative answer so I ask them to open the 3rd envelope in which is marked "new recruit"

Ben : "Yes ! Finally, I'm not going to be the new one anymore ! "He said with great enthusiasm

Travis : "Don't tell me that we're going to have a new recruit ? » he asks while looking at Robert

Robert : "If so, I don't know. "

Andy : "Do you want the rest of the clues? "

All : "Yes of course"

I give them a fourth and last envelope that contains the drawing of an ambulance.

Ben : "So I don't understand anything at all anymore. "

Dean : "Neither do I.. "

Pruitt : "Andrea is soon over, your game, I don't understand anything about it. "

Andy : "There are only two clues left after that ! "

I then give them the last box that contains an envelope with a custom scratch game and a small rectangular box that contains a positive pregnancy test.

Andy : "Open the envelope first. "

Vic : "Oh! A scratch game »

Travis : "You are really a child, Vic"

Vic : "Oh, it's okay.. "

On the scratch game there is a personalized message for everyone:

- for Ben and Dean there is written "you are promoted uncle"

- for Maya there is written "you are promoted tatie"

- for Vic and Travis he wrote "you are promoted godfather/godmother"

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