Waverider - [Hiccup]

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The moment Toothless had slapped Hiccup in the face, he got a bit annoyed at his best pal. Sure, he must've been used to it by now, since he still missed a quite few sharp turns whenever they went searching for new islands, but still.

It hurt.

But the moment he laid eyes on the Night Fury he had seen earlier... That was a different story.

Hiccup didn't even notice the dragon until his bud had made him to. His forest green eyes could only stare back at the striking sea green ones, watching the rider for his movements and the way he spoke.

'This dragon must be really intelligent', thought Hiccup.

The rider took that in mind and remained cautious for its intentions as well. But he was just so shell-shocked and awestruck to give it much importance.

Throughout his life, after dragons were allowed on Berk, he had been dying to meet another Night Fury. And not just because he was interested in studying the species even more, but because he felt Toothless to be a little... lonely. Sure, his bud had him and the riders and their dragons, but each species had their own kind to accompany them. Toothless was completely alone. Well, until now.

He shook his head out of thoughts when he saw a raven streak zip downwards, heading straight for the ground.

Hiccup blinked and widened his eyes a bit. "What's going on?"

The new Night Fury let out a bright blue ball of plasma fire, the same color as Toothless' fireballs. It seemed to have hit something though, as slowly a new figure resembling a spirit in a tornado started to appear into view.

"What in Thor's name?" cried out Astrid.

He looked beside him and at his girlfriend. She had a confused look, tilting her head a bit to the side. Hiccup had always loved Astrid's different faces and expressions, but his head had been blocked up in anxiety and oblivion to give it much importance.

Then, more wind spirits started to appear, their spirited bodies wrapped up in a tornado of their own, swirling nonstop.

Hiccup narrowed his eyebrows, slowly coming to the conclusion that those wind spirits seemed as if they were enemies. Mostly because they hissed at them, and attacked the newfound Night Fury.

"We've got to help," Hiccup said.

The rest stared at him as if he was some sort of mutated animal. "Help? We don't even know what those things are!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"They look ugly" Ruffnut claimed.

The twin riding beside her snorted. "Yeah, like your face."

While they wrestled, the other Dragon Riders started arguing between themselves. Hiccup didn't want to join in and instead focused his full attention to the black dragon. It was struggling, trying to repel whatever those creatures were. They, in return, did not hesitate to fight off the big creature, slashing claw-like hands at it or sending huge gusts of wind at its direction.

Hiccup could no longer stand it. He turned to the gang behind him and had a hardened look on his face. "We're going to help the Night Fury, now!"

Both he and Toothless dive-bombed before the Dragon Riders argued longer and had their eyes stuck on the scene unfolding before them.

If they were not willing to help the newfound creature, then Hiccup and Toothless would surely do. His lifelong wish now finally come true, just so that some weird tornado dudes came crashing in to ruin everything.

'I'll help this dragon', Hiccup thought determined. 'And it'll learn that we mean no harm.'

A shrieking sound filled the young Chief's son's eardrums as Toothless' usual diving sound filled the daytime air, and felt his buddy's body to warm up. Then, a bright blue ball of hot fire sailed through the clouds, until it perfectly hit one of the creatures the Night Fury was trying to defend.

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