Love <3

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The room was hazy filled with silence and awkwardness..Anya couldn't utter a word so she just sat at a spot in the back while Damian sat as close to her as possible trying not to make her uncomfortable.There was a minute of complete silence before Damian spoke,his voice soft and caring.Anya was stunned,she hadn't seen that side of him and she had to admit..she really liked it.
"Hey...sorry for- uh dragging you into all of this.."Damian's gentle voice was heard with little hints of pinks forming on his cheeks
"M-my friends can be kind of stupid sometimes..haha."
"N-no worries.."Anya quickly uttered hoping he didn't hear her
"Anya.."Damian spoke softly
"Hm?"Anya hummed
The boy was now facing the pink haired female,hazel eyes looking into emerald green ones.Anya felt like she was paralysed she couldn't help but inch closer and closer unconsciously she didn't want to look away anymore she wanted him and he wanted her.The boy inched closer as well closing the distance between them were only a whisper could be heard.
"Anya.."The boy whispered
"Y-your really pretty.."He hesitantly said scared of what answer he might get
Damian brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear delicately.The act made Anya red like a tomato but responded to it by cupping his cheek with her hand whispering.
"Y-your cute too...only when you don't behave like a jerk"Anya managed to blur out
His whole face burned with embarrassment and excitement and a little chuckle was heard.Although he couldn't help but think to himself 'now's the time to kiss her you idiot!!' 'Do it!Or you may never have this chance again!!' 'What kind of Desmond are you if you don't even have the guts to kiss the girl you've been liking for over 7 years!'
Anya looked at him his face pleading..pleading for her touch..pleading for her warmth..
His thoughts were cut short when soft warm lips were pressed against his.He was really surprised but he didn't have the time to respond when anya pulled away and all the warmth they shared disappeared.
"I-I'm really s-sorry I don't know why I did that!" Anya tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible
Damian just placed his hand on her chin pulling her closer like before.Anya was socked by that act and so was Damian he didn't know why he did it it was like his body was moving against his will but it didn't bother him,not one bit.He pulled her closer and kisses her but this time it wasn't just a peck it lasted longer and it felt better.Damian groaned at the embrace a sound that not once Anya had heard escape his lips.He slowly licked her lips asking for permission to open her mouth and trying very hard not to make her uncomfortable, when she did he let her tongue explore his mouth just as she let his and god it felt so good.Damian bit her bottom lip and Anya let out a small sound that he wanted to play again and again in replay.The only time they stopped was when they needed to catch their breath never once losing eye contact.
"I have to tell you something Anya"The brown haired boy spoke
"W-what is it?"Anya said trying not to lose eye contact
"I- uhm.."
Anya was looking at the boy confused on what he was going to tell her but with her emerald eyes looking straight into the hazel ones he couldn't help but stutter and his cheeks burn a dark shade of red.
"Look..I . Anya I-"The boy couldn't utter a word
'God why is it so hard to say?!Its literally 3 words!!Get yourself together Desmond!'
Anya saw that he was struggling so she decided to say first what was on her mind.
"I love you"
The two said in sync,both socked and amazed Damian then leaned in her neck with a grin on his face whispering.
" love me huh?"He couldn't help but ask
Anya just nodded because she could feel his breath against her neck and that made her feel good really good
"Very well.Then from now on your mine and no one else's."
Anya just blushed and nodded her head again while Damian started placing small kisses on her neck making her groan at the action but he made sure to keep her quite as he didn't want his friends to tease him about it all day.
Anyas heart was racing trying really hard not to let any sounds escape her lips,then Damian bit her gently making her let out another small sound.He then placed his hand on her waist and the other on her neck pulling her closer and closer until their lips met again and again.When Damian felt like he couldn't take any more teasing Anya with a grin on her face leaned in close to his neck and started sucking,liking and kissing him.This took him by surprise and because of that he let out a small sound.
"W-what are you doing?"Damian asked still socked by that act of hers
"Revenge.."Anya responded swiftly
"W-wait..ahh~ A-Anya w-were gonna get caught-"
"You two 7 minutes are up!!Get out of there whatever your doing!"Becky shouted along with Emile and Ewen
Anya and Damian were flustered messes,faces red and messy hair they quickly pulled away and fixed themselves trying really hard to cover the bruises that were now shown on their necks.They eventually hid the bruises well enough so they could not be seen for the time being and went out the room with blushing cheeks and racing hearts questioning themselves on what's next..?

Anddd that's the end <3 really happy with how this one turned out! I'm gonna continue making more stories about these two!! Really excited 😌✨
Also if you want you can check out my other works of other ships 💅
Have a nice day!
(New story in progress stay tuned ;)

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