The ball p2

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His phone was buzzing half of the notifications were asking about the ball whereas the other half were saying happy birthday first before asking.It was irritating.

He tried getting out of his bed sits but they seemed surprisingly heavier than what he remembered'Great how am I going to go to school now they won't leave me alone'

Moving swiftly he made his stop to the bathroom brushing his teeth and run two three fingers through his hair 'brushing' them.
There was a light knock on his door."Yes?"

"We're waiting for you sir when your ready get tot the car please."
"I'll be there in a minute thanks"

He moved until he found the car and got in.The boy hadn't responded to the messages from the morning so he opened his phone.
First mistake.It's was pure chaos he tried to search and see if his friends had texted him but to no avail they hadn't.

"I guess their waiting for me to get to school"
'At least I hope so'He thought

Stepping to school ground and already he feels very uncomfortable all eyes are glued on hi,.He's desperately scanning through the crowd trying to find a familiar face and he spotted-Anya?

'Who is she talking to?'He felt a wave of rage hit him , his body had a mind of its own when it started moving closer closer to see clearly who that boy was Anya was talking.

"Hey"He spoke
"Hey sy on" Anya responded with a smile on her face

"Who's he"
"Oh just an..old friend"

"Are you okay?"

"OH"She suddenly perked

"Are you two a thing?" The other boy talked

Both of them jumped at what he said faces flushed looking awkwardly at each other.Mouths dry and frozen on the spot but hearts racing.

"N-no!Of course not how could I be a thing with a commoner?!Especially her!I hated her since we were kids.We're complete opposites"

Anya knew that she wasn't anyone special but hearing someone say it out loud like that-Especially Damian it hurt it stung for some reason.She wasnt going to the ball anyway she didn't want to see him snatched up with some random girl in his arms.

"We'll yanno opposites attract"And with that he stomped off weird guy

Damian didn't have the mind right now not when the whole school were watching them so he simply walked away face still burning from embarrassment?Nope.

The school bell rang and everyone got to their classes the hour went by surprisingly quickly and just like that it was already over.
Anya walked over to her best friend Becky and started talking with her about todays hot topic ✨the ball✨

"Sooo I was thinking we could meet before going to the ball and dress together!!"Becky sounded very excited
"Oh uh haven't I told you I'm not going"She simply shrugged

"What?!Girl you are going cause I said so besides haven't you always wanted to go to his place?Nows your chance"
She..had a point..she was really curious about his house just because he was always so secretive about it she didn't know anything about his family 'weird' She thought.

"Yanno what okay I'll go"
"GREAT!Tell your parents today you coming over to my place after school to pick dresses for tomorrow!"
"Okay see you later becks"Anya said waving going to her next class


(Word count 579 :'3 )

Damian x anya <33 two dorks in loveWhere stories live. Discover now