The ball p4

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The ball was stunning,Anya was excited,no she wasn't just excited she was ecstatic.She slowly made her way up to Damian's mansion opening the big gate that he had as a 'door'.The light was so bright and the noise was so loud,servants going around viciously,anxiously.Walking a little further she spotted her best friend with a couple others she didn't recognise yet.
"Hey Becky"She calmly said even though no one was calm and before Becky could answer the lights dimmed down and Damian's father spoke through an intercom.
"Hello everyone hope you're  having the best time,my son will be here to assist you soon until then please make your way to the buffet or dance!"He sounded like he said that every time they had a ball or something welcoming but yet so cold.

"Ookay-Now that that's done let's dance!"Becky said and ditched her other friends as she grabbed Anya by the hand and led her to the dance floor.They started swinging and dancing and laughing until the youngest Desmond son walked in.All eyes were on him yet there was only one person that caught his attention.The girls were starting to surround him like bees in honey they all wanted to speak to him.Like they ever had a chance.He thought.

Becky saw how Anya was looking at him she knew her too well not to notice."Go"She sounded so sure and genuinely happy for her friend.Anya shook her head and felt her cheeks warm up at the thought."No no I'm staying right here!".Nope Becky wasn't buying it she was going to talk to him tonight.No buts."Go or I'll make you"Becky had a piercing gaze that no none dared to ignore so Anya reluctantly agreed even tho she knew it was bad idea.

The boy had moved from where he was awhile ago.He went up to a hall and disappeared,Anya went slowly and steadily to that exact hall hoping to find him.All this time her feelings towards him were bothering her a lot.She was thinking about him more,she got jealous a lot more and these feelings were there from years ago.Since they were kids and they picked on each other she knew that it was just a distraction from facing the cold truth.Was there a chance he could like her back?Nope.I mean why would he?Sure he enjoyed her company some times.And by that I mean like 2 times they hanged out together some months ago and did not bicker.Which was a miracle to be honest

She couldn't think more her head was going crazy and her heart too and..her face too.She headed towards the balcony we're she heard footsteps a bit ago.And there he was in all his glory standing there in the moonlight.He flinched as he sensed her presence."Jesus"He muttered."You scared me,What the hell are you doing here?"He asked."Looking for you"Damian wasn't prepared for this nope not now he felt his face grow hot.'Stop stupid your gonna embarrass yourself in front of her'
"Uhm okay"He adjusted his head back to the blue sky.
"Listen..I have to talk to you about..we'll a lot."Anya said as she took a step closer and looked at the dark blue too.He didn't answer just looked down with a nod.
"First of all I'm not here to argue I'm here to tell you that..Your a good person Damian..And I-I know that we really hurt each other when we were kids but that doesn't mean we can't be friends now.We both grew we both changed we both know it was wrong but I can't see you hurting like that anymore."She was greeted with silence so she continued her rambling.

"Do you think I haven't seen how you act around people?Oh and please don't get me started with girls.You don't feel comfortable and..I really want to know if..I have something to do with it..Do I..Do I make you that uncomfortable that you want to run away from me..?She tilted her head down and avoided his gaze.

"W-what?No of course not.I.Listen Anya the thing is I like you I really like you your stupid smile and your stupid hair and the way you laugh and guess what I'm trying to say is..I don't feel comfortable because I always have my mind on you.."

She was stunned 'no way'She thought it was too good to be true he..liked her?Like liked liked her..?Omfg.
"Y,you wwhat?She asked shocked.
"I really like you Anya..Since we were little kids I-I think I'm in love with you"He slowly turns his gaze towards her and takes a step closer.Anya watches him as he moves letting him do his thing.He moves his hand on her neck and pulls her her in for a kiss.It wasn't much just a peck but it was enough to drive them both crazy.He kissed her again a little harder this time only pulling away when they were both panting.God this was going to be an interesting year.

OKAY OKAY I KNOW THIS IS REALLY BAD ITS SUPER RUSHED-I might just fix it up a little later.Again I'm so soorryyy for not posting the next chapter on time but...better later than never ig anyway have a nice day :)

Damian x anya <33 two dorks in loveWhere stories live. Discover now