hiding with your eyes shut tightly, all the way to the hospital - benapuff

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(previously uploaded to ao3. cringe vent, not romanticizing eating disorders - as i have one myself and this includes some of my personal symptoms.)
summary - benatar has an eating disorder.
trigger warning - eating disorders, hospitalization

from the moment puff had woken up that day, he had a bad feeling. he shook off that feeling of dread by starting the usual morning routine. he got out of his bunk, and one by one woke the others up. when he got to benatar, he froze. he was shivering in his sleep, which was odd in 75 degree weather.
"benatar, sweetheart, time to wake up." he lightly shook the frail boy, and said boy slowly opened his eyes. benatar groaned, and pulled puff into a sweet kiss. puff pulled away, pulling his lover into his arms. he was so light. puffs face molded into concern, and he prompted to carry benatar to the couch. walking into the room, he noted everything happening. axel was making coffee, deejay was slumped in a booth, swiping through his phone, and on a table near the couch, the soft hum of music played from a speaker. he placed benatar down, and lay himself directly next to him.
"yo, gayasses! want coffee?" axel's voice boomed throughout the room. puff nodded, and turned to benatar. the boy had been unresponsive.
"ben?" puff whispered. benatar turned to him, his face blushy. his head was turned to the side slightly, like a lost dog.
"coffee?" benatar quickly shook his head.
"i feel sick." puff sighed, his face full of concern. he put a hand up to benatars cheek, and rubbed slightly. it was like a dead body.
"ben, you're freezing." benatar shook his head, and leaned onto his boyfriend. puff sighed, the feeling of dread worsening.


the band exited the bus, having made it to a gas station. puff was headed to the snack aisle with benatar, the taller clinging to his boyfriend.
benatar was about to collapse. he knew he was. after completely depriving himself from food for years, the day it completely fucked him over has made it. he made sure to keep a grip onto puff, he was shaking so badly, if he took a step himself he probably would've collapsed sooner.
"benatar, you okay? do you need to go back?" benatar shook his head despite his incredible dizziness following. puff nodded, then let go of benatar briefly to grab some food. proceeding this, benatar's knees buckled and his vision and hearing blurred.
he made out puff's shout and felt him firmly grasp him before everything went black.


puff shouted his lovers name repeatedly, as he ran to stop him from hitting the floor. grabbing his bandmates attention, axel and deejay ran over to see the commotion. in a panic, they all ran to jumpstart the bus, leaving the snacks.
puff was sobbing, holding on to benatar's scrawny and malnourished body. his boyfriend was way thinner than he realized, and his eyes went wide and he let out a loud sob. deejay put an arm around him in support, both jumping when the bus stopped. axel rushed out of the drivers seat, following the other boys who ran out the bus.


"puff puff humbert?" he lifted his head, bringing his attention to the doctor who called his name.
"follow me." he nodded and stood, trailing behind the doctor.
"you are the boyfriend of benatar (whayever the fuck u guysthink his last name should be), correct?" he nodded.
"he passed out from malnutrition. he is severely underweight." puff gasped, tears pricking at his eyes again.
"would you like to see him?" he nodded vigorously, quickly following the doctor to his boyfriend's hospital room.

benatar opened his eyes, immediately blinded by the harsh light of the hospital room. after a moment of registering where he is, the panic started to settle in. he had a feeding tube. there were so many calories pumping into him, he was going to be fat again and he couldn't be fat, he wanted to be skinny and pretty and thin. he successfully controlled his breathing, and calmed himself. he was fine, he knew he went too far and he's glad he got saved. he needed help. just as he calmed, puff puff pushed open his door. benatar's eyes brightened at the sight of his lover. puff walked over, putting his hand in benatars and smiling through his tears.
"you're okay," puff whispered. benatar reached over, wiping his tears.
"i am. and i will be. i need help, puff." puff nodded and sighed.
"and we'll get you help. i love you, benatar." benatar grinned at puff.

"i love you too."

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