i wanna give you space, but the amount between us is wrecking me - axeben

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(hihi !! waterparks ref in the title cuz another special interest :^) Glitterfoxey  requested some angst w/ a happy ending !! i hope u enjoy, trigger warning for themes revolving around depression !!)

summary - benatar takes giving axel some space a bit too far.

"god, benatar! i can't constantly give you attention, sometimes i'm not in the fucking mood! why can't you realize that?" axel's voice boomed throughout the bus, for once benatar was thankful their bandmates weren't here.
"i'm sorry-" benatar started, but axel was quick to cut him off.
"god, can you just leave me alone?" benatar nodded, quickly heading to the bunks.
benatar sat in his bunk and sighed, tears pricking at his eyes. he didn't notice that axel felt like that, and he felt horrible for attempting to get attention from him. he let out a whimper as tears started to flow down his cheeks. he quickly got into his bed fully and laid down, closing his eyes and letting out quiet sobs.
he quickly got trapped in his thoughts. he wished axel wasn't mad, he wished everything was okay again. slowly but surely, he dozed off for a while.

that night, benatar decided he was going to give axel some space. he obviously was burdening him, he didn't want to cause anger for him.
he checked his phone, 11:36pm. the bus seemed to be stopped, probably in some random empy lot. he groggily stood up, walking to the bathroom. he quickly shut the door, sitting against it with his knees to his chest. he felt so horrible, why did he screw everything up? he sighed, putting his head in his knees. after a moment of sitting there, tears started to fall from his eyes. he started pinching his arms out of panic. god, he hated feeling like this. he just wanted to be happy, to be in axel's arms. he missed axel, he missed his stupid voice and his stupid eyes and his stupid smile and his stupid laugh. he felt like he'd die without axel.
through the door, he could hear the bus door open and his bandmate's voices boom throughout the bus. as they approached the bunks, he attempted to listen.
"huh, wheres benatar? he was sleeping here when we left." questioned who he assumed was deejay. fuck.
"who cares? he's probably fine." that was definitely puff.
he heard deejay sigh, then footsteps approaching the bathroom. he quickly locked the door, to avoid the person barging in. the person knocked on the door gently, whispering a quiet "benatar?" being quickly identified as deejay.
benatar inhaled deeply, then responded.
"hm?" benatar's voice seemed slightly shaky, but thankfully deejay didn't seem to notice - and if he did, he didnt mention.
"oh, okay. just checking if you were there!" he heard the footsteps retreat, and he let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. that was scary.

for the next week, benatar isolated himself as much as he could. he'd hide in his bunk or the bathroom all the time, and avoid conversation as much as possible. he was afraid of burdening his bandmates.
on the other hand, axel's worry and guilt built up more and more as the days passed. he tried talking to benatar, but the blonde had ignored him.
after the week, axel decided waiting wasn't an option. that morning, he got up and immediately went to benatar's bunk. he pulled away his curtain, and he noticed immediately that benatar was still awake. and staring at him with dead, tired eyes.
"ben, you look like death." ben chuckled slightly, and nodded.
"i know." axel sighed, and said the obvious.
"i'm so sorry, i didnt mean anything i said. i was having a bad day, i couldn't handle anything." he noticed that tears pricked at benatars eyes, and he let out a quiet whimper.
"its okay." he whispered.
"now, whats going on babe? this isn't healthy, isolating isn't healthy." benatar let out a loud sob, and quickly hid his face in his hands.
"i thought you didn't love me anymore. i decided you wanted space, and just gave you it. it wrecked me, axel." he lifted his face out of his hands. axel sighed, and kneeled down to face him. he put a hand on his cheek.
"benatar, i didn't mean to cause this. i'm so sorry, i love you." he pulled benatar into a sweet kiss, pulling away after a minute.
"i love you too, axel." benatar smiled.
axel climbed into benatar's bunk, holding him in his arms. he never wanted to let his boyfriend away from him again. he believes that benatar deserves the world.

short kinda aaa, but this took me 12 hours to write </3 its like 7:30 in the morning and i havent slept. hope u guys enjoyed !!

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