and we danced all night

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After a shower Maria got changed and sat on her window seat to work on her script with Taylor Swift blasting in her airpods while she waited for the boys to be ready

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After a shower Maria got changed and sat on her window seat to work on her script with Taylor Swift blasting in her airpods while she waited for the boys to be ready

"hey ria" Jeremiah called on the girl from the bedroom door but she didn't hear him over her music and concentration
"ria!" he called again but got no response. he hit Steven's shoulder with a playful smirk
"she can't hear us" he gestured to Maria as she worked away

"mari?" Steven checked
"hey mari! the house is on fire!"

"ria there's a tornado headed towards us!"

"Maria Belly's drowning!"

"Yo ria Beyoncé's at the door!"

"Martinez Miles Teller just pulled up!"

"she seriously can't hear us man" Jeremiah laughed

"come on" Steven nodded his head and they both crept up on her counting to 3 before shaking her shoulders making the poor girl jump out of her skin

"Oh Dios mío" she exclaimed and closed her eyes, clutching at her heart before calming down and taking her airpods out
"you guys are morons!" she hit both boys' shoulders as they laughed

"come on we're leaving" Jeremiah laughed and helped her to stand up

"wait wait wait" Maria suddenly remembered
"it's the first party of summer, you know what that means!" she winked cheekily and crossed the room to the bag hidden under her bed. she pulled it out and produced a bottle of tequila and 3 shot glasses

"you still have those?" Steven laughed

"hell yeah i still have these! it's tradition!" she giggled and started pouring while Jeremiah locked the door. every summer since they were 14, the 3 did a shot before they went out partying. not that long of a tradition seeing as they were now only 16 but it was a tradition nonetheless

"ok ready?" Jeremiah asked as they all held up their glasses

"yeah" Steven bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly

"cheers to our best summer yet" Maria grinned and they all clinked glasses before downing the bitter liquid. they all winced and groaned while Maria hurriedly put the forbidden items back in the brown paper back and shoved it back under her bed

"now we're ready!" Jeremiah laughed

"oh hell yeah!" Steven was riled up now
"let's go out the back we've gotta grab Conrad" he decided and skipped out of the room

"you look great by the way...i mean you always look great but you look really great" Jeremiah ran his eyes up and down Maria making her blush. he had this way of speaking to her that made her feel so perfect, so loved

"thank you miah" she smiled and fixed his shirt before ruffling his hair
"i've not even been here a day and you've already used my conditioner" she noticed and started to walk

the summer he loved me Where stories live. Discover now