Chapter 6

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Since we got second place, we boarded the yacht on the way to the next island. I took a bath and aided my wound again. Vegas was nowhere to be seen in the room we shared the first night, I assumed he chose a different room or wasn't in the mood to be in the same space as I was.

Khun and Kim got first place, Macau and Ché got third. They shared the same strategy with us, started off with the smallest chests and gradually get the big ones. I laughed, I thought Khun Kinn would actually win first place, but he and Porsche kept falling into every trap there was.

It was a 30 minutes ride to the next island, I didn't know if a banana boat could handle that, good thing we didn't settle for that. I wonder who got that unfortunate ride. I heard Arm and Pol, together with Ken and Big got a small boat, it was enough, better than a banana boat.

After reaching the next island, Ché and Macau acted like kids seeing how beautiful and calming the next island was! We had two nights and one day to enjoy this view, then proceed to having the next level of the treasure hunt.

Different sized cottages were waiting for all of us, each had our names on. The three most elegant cottages belonged to the top three winners, so I immediately entered the one that had mine and Vegas' name on. It was more beautiful on the inside! I swore my soul almost left my body as I wandered in the cottage.

It had two beds, one big screen television, and on the corner was a table and chair. There was also a small couch and coffee table just in front of the television. I'm sure Vegas wouldn't mind, we even slept together in a tent! I think he even slept well, he looked refreshed before we started the treasure hunt.

"Pete?" I looked at the door hearing my name, it was Vegas. "You chose your bed already?" He asked, seeing I claimed one mine, I just threw all my stuff on the bed.

I nodded, "You can have the other one! It's more spacious, I think you'll enjoy it." I smiled.

He smiled, "You sure?"


"You're a hugger, no wonder you keep falling on beds." He laughed.

A what?


Vegas nodded, "Yeah, you had almost all your tentacles on my body. If it wasn't your arms, it was your legs, or both."

My jaw dropped. I hugged him?! I cuddled him to sleep?! He laughed louder seeing my expression. Vegas walked in front of me and leaned closer.

"Are you sure you can sleep without hugging anyone?" He whispered. "You're soft, I wouldn't mind if you want to cuddle."

I pushed him away and ran straight in the shared bathroom. I could hear his laugh through the door. I held my cheeks in embarrassment, I looked at the mirror and saw how red my face and ears were. Owwwww!! Pete, you're a stupid ass!! I covered my mouth, I might say things out loud again.

I felt something crawling on my leg, I glanced at it and jumped on the small counter in the bathroom with a scream.


A little while, the door opened forcefully. My scared eyes met with Vegas' furious and worried pair. His worry turned into confusion, then into worry again, not towards me, towards the hedgehog that crawled on my feet!

Vegas looked at me with laughter in his eyes, "What? You're scared of such a small creature?"

I pointed at it, "It sprung out of nowhere!"

Vegas sighed. "The bathroom tiles are white."

"I can see that."

"Even the lights are bright white."

"Yeah, I know."

"He's brown "

"Your point is?"

His face looked so stressed, "How could you not see something dark in a well-lit white room?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it after a while without saying anything. I scratched my head and avoided eye contact with him. He offered his hand to help me jump down the counter, but instead, he held my hand when I accepted and locked me on the counter.

He stood between my legs and look straight at me. Vegas pushed my hair back and softly combed it with his hands, holding my cheeks with his last stroke.

"Call me Vegas."

I looked confused.

"Stop calling me Khun, just call me Vegas."

My confusion turned into a genuine smile.

"Why?" I asked.

He stroke my cheeks with his index finger, "I like how it sounded when you screamed my name earlier. Don't call me Khun, anymore." He explained.

He went back to combing my hair, I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the moment. I don't know why, but I love the way his hands move around my head. I opened my eyes when I felt his breath on my neck. Oiiiii!! What is this?! What is he doing?!

"Thank you.." He mumbled. "But don't ever catch anything for me if it'll cause you pain in any way." He continued.

I don't know where I got the strength to hold his hair from behind. It looked as if I was hugging him back. I did the same thing he was doing to my hair, I tapped his head softly in a intimate manner. The way my grandmother would often console me after crying.

Vegas is a strong person, a prideful one. He's not used to receiving good wills without thinking a person would ask for something in return. He's used to thinking people will only use him for their benefit, he's never loose, always tensed up.

I held both his cheeks with my hands and rested my forehead on his. The hands that once held my hair, slid down resting comfortably on my waist.

"Maybe it's the way you talk, or the way you act," I smiled, "I don't really know." I chuckled and a small smile grew on his. "But, I know one thing."

Vegas closed his eyes, listening to my voice.

"I'd catch anything for you. I'd catch falling rocks, flying leaves, or even rolling dirt. I'd even catch you every time you fall, and I wouldn't mind. As long as I know you're not alone, not hurt, and not suffering. I'd catch even the rain for you if I could."

I'd catch you even if I end up falling in your place.

❀ lilBlackLilies ❀

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