Chapter 9

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We were all held as hostages as they appeared to be waiting for something. So were we. I could see that even Porsche noticed the look on Vegas' eyes, that doubt and uneasiness. It shouldn't be a challenge to help him change his mind. I could do it, if only he'd actually spare a glance longer than he gave me earlier.

I hated how crazy their plans were, we were all sent to continue with the treasure hunt. But on each and every side of the island, was a person ready to shoot us lifeless. I swore I could've kicked whoever suggested that shit, I didn't even know what this was for! They had power over the main family, and all they wanted to do was play a silly game?!

"I won't hurt you, Pete."

I stopped.

Was this his idea? To delay their plan? To give us enough time to create an escape plan? Was he willing to accept all the blame as long as we'd leave the island safe and well? As long as I leave the island safe and well? I looked for him among the minor family, but he was again yet to be seen. It was as if he couldn't stand seeing us all caged and chained.

Khun was surprisingly acting normal, he wasn't going crazy shouting at every man he sees. Maybe he can sense that this isn't a game and someone's life may actually be at stake if he does.

I sighed and watched at the minor family placed a metal thing on our necks.

"If any of you plan to do dirty monkey works, these are explosive under our control. Don't even think about it." The man shouted.

We were handcuffed, given a choker bomb whatever this shit is called, and even our feet were chained, how the hell do they expect us to clear stages from the hunt?!

We were sent one by one. When it was my turn, no one touched me like how they pushed and forced the others to walk. My brows furrowed at the detail, what the hell? I walked in the forest confused and just walked to find myself a map.

I think I already walked half a mile after seeing the box that the map of the island. I didn't see anyone here, I thought there were bodyguards everywhere? I shrugged and thought about how I could remove these things on my body.

Someone showed up behind me and I used the treasure box to attack the person. My eyes widened when I saw I threw a box at Vegas. He didn't try to dodge it, his eyes were closed and his lips were tight as the box landed on his face and fell on his feet.

His sharp eyes opened and met mine, I tried to fight his gaze, but deep down I knew. I knew I was longing for his stare. He walked to me and pulled something out from his pocket, a key.

He removed my cuffs, he removed the chain on my feet, and lastly, he pressed something on the explosive wrapped on my neck and it fell on it's own.

He was about to say something when my fist kissed his left cheek.

This is for not choosing to stay by my side.

I threw another jab.

This is for leaving me behind.

I gave him a blow on his stomach.

This is for making me worry.

I stared at him, he was willing to accept all the blows I wanted to give him. He got his eyes closed and was a little distant, anticipating my next hit.

This time, I walked closer to him, gave him enough time to see me walking. I pulled his face and pressed our lips together. Fuck it, I kissed him.

And this... this is for coming back safe.

"Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again." I warned him, and kissed him again.

Vegas kissed me back with the same longing and need, the intimacy between us didn't suit our situation, but can't two selfless souls be selfish for once?

I hugged him tight when our lips parted.

Vegas shook his head, "I can't, Pete... He'll kill all of you." He whispered. "This is the best way I could think of. You have to run, that way, I can assure your safety." He said.

I refused.

"Pete, please."

I frowned at him and walked away, "Vegas, I can't leave them here. You can't just expect me to say yes like a dog to your plan! I can't leave my friends here to die! You said you wouldn't hurt me, well, the best way to hurt me isn't through hurting my body!!" I yelled at him.

He gripped on his hair and pulled it out of frustration, "But I can't handle seeing you get hurt!" He countered.

I scoffed at him, "So you'd sacrifice others?! You'd sacrifice even your own brother?!"

He was taken aback, his raging eyes turned into worry. "Macau? What– What happened to Macau?" He hesitantly asked.

I told him about the explosion, Macau was severely injured! Yet all he thought about was getting me out of here?

"I understand you, Vegas. I understand you care for me, I understand that you want me safe. But my life isn't worth everyone else's lives! You can't save me and and let everyone else die, do you think I can live with that? Do you think I can spend a day without thinking how many lives were lost just so I could see another day? Why won't you just kill me as well? As you know your decision will just end up killing me inside."

Vegas closed his eyes, "You're worth everything to me." He tried to argue once more, but he's already admitted defeat. "I can't, I'm not giving you any time to choose. You have to go."

After a minute of silence, I sighed and nodded. He was surprised, but smiled and walked to me. When the distance between us were as close as earlier, I catched his neck and held it as tight as I could.

"No legacy is so rich as honesty. I love you, Vegas. But I'm not gonna sit still and escape while clearly lying to myself. I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

After he lost consciousness, I used the cuffs on him and tied him to a big branch. I kissed his cheek before finally leaving him there.

I saw Porsche in a distance using a branch to remove his cuffs, I ran to him and showed him the key I took from Vegas. After clearing the chain attached to his feet, I pulled him down so I could see what Vegas did to remove mine.

I touched the back of my neck trying to remember where he pressed whatever he pressed, and there I saw two buttons, one was to self-destruct, and the other was to safely remove, they were so small and close to each other I had to use a smaller branch to make sure I wasn't pressing the self-destruct button.

"How did you get free?" He asked me.

I pointed at Vegas who was cuffed to a tree.

"You...?" He asked.

"He suggested that I leave you all here, I couldn't. So I tied him there instead. That's what he gets for making a plan without consulting with me." I scoffed.

Porsche laughed and we stationed ourselves where the guards wouldn't find us. When we gathered enough people to free, Porsche and I saw Khun Kim walking with Ché beside him, both of there were already free.

Porsche called them. Khun Kim said he knew how to remove the bombs himself, it was pretty easy he said. I mean it was, but it was dangerous. Khun Kinn also managed to remove the cuffs and chain on his feet as he came, but he had no idea how to remove the bomb on his neck.

Porsche joked that he pressed the wrong button and ended up being punched by his brother.

Almost all of us were safe, we hid under a cave I saw earlier. It was quite hidden, but enough light was entering through it. The others we couldn't find were out in the forest trying to carry on with the treasure hunt, as for all us here in the cave, we were planning on how to beat the minor family. Again.

"Leave Vegas out of this."

We were all shocked hearing Khun Kinn's announcement. I gave him a perfect 90 degree bow to thank him for the effort of saving his cousin, the man I love.

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