Chapter 10.1

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We stayed in that cave until we heard the minor family searching the whole island. Porsche glanced at me when we heard Vegas' voice telling them to search someplace where we'd actually be. They were just above our cave.

Did he know we were here?

"Hide better."

Great, I'm starting to think I can talk to him through my mind.

All of us stilled hearing his voice. Finally, footsteps around the cave were gone, so was Vegas.

Kinn agreed with his cousin's idea for the wild, probably still looking out for us. I nodded at Khun Kinn and walked out, spying. Maybe I could find a place where we could stay, a more suitable place for a bunch like us.

I noticed the place where I tied Vegas on, I could see the handcuffs neatly placed and between it, a silver ring. I took it and examined it. This looks like a promise ring, what is this? I frowned, maybe Vegas accidentally left it? He looks like the type to wear accessories. I wore the ring so I wouldn't lose it like he did, I'd return it after this mess we're all in. If we make it out alive.

I saw from where I was standing, an abandoned boat. It was wooden and could only board about 4-5 people. It looked more like a canoe from years ago, the one like Moana used. Based from the movie, I believe this canoe can sail through big waves of the ocean, it was perfect! But who would leave a canoe here? Were there people who actually lived here? Wait, right! There's a resort here, and we only rented it. There's probably no one here, right?

I reported the canoe back to Khun Kinn immediately, he ordered that Ché, Kim, Khun, and other bodyguards go first. He wanted Porsche to go, but knowing him, he refused before it was even said. Kinn knew I wouldn't leave here without talking to Vegas again, so he didn't ask me.

After sending the 6 men, we stayed with some of the bodyguards back in the cave. I trusted Vegas enough that no one would check this place again, well, we trusted him that much. I just hope Vegas wouldn't do anything that would cause him any harm. After looking out the peaceful forest, so peaceful you wouldn't think we were hostages, I thought about how Macau was doing.

I was fidgeting the ring on my hand when Khun Kinn sat beside me. I paid respect but he refused, telling me to be normal. His eyes traveled down to the ring, he was confused, it must've looked familiar to him.

"I saw this where I tied Vegas up, I think he accidentally left it." I explained.

He chuckled but didn't agree with me, "He keeps that ring as a necklace, there's no way he'd lose it without purposely leaving it there. His mother owned that ring, given by someone his mother truly loved." Kinn explained. "He treasures that more than the minor family ring, it's not something he'd leave behind," Khun Kinn looked at me, "accidentally."

Is he saying Vegas purposely left the ring his mother received from her lover, for me to find? I mean, who else would look at a place like that.

I smiled at the thought and Kinn approved of us, I think. Even if he didn't, I don't think Vegas would actually give two flying fucks.

"Honestly, Pete, I didn't think you'd lie to us again." My boss said with a smile on his face, he didn't seem angered by what he said. But I was shocked!! When did I lie to them??? He looked at me. "You don't actually think we bought your lie about Vegas just going out for fresh air, right?"

I awkwardly smiled, but lost it after a while. "But you said, 'again' when have I lied to you before?" I asked.

"My coffee, Pete. The most bitter coffee I've ever drank my whole life." He sighed. My eyes widened as I remembered what happened.

Oiii!! I'm a bodyguard of Khun Tankhun, why am I getting coffee for them? Shouldn't there be a maid or something?

I went in the kitchen and saw two unfamiliar faces, I pulled out the gun entrusted to my care and pointed at the two of them. One of the intruders glared at me, he looked older than the other one. He, then, gave me a smile I couldn't understand if it was a good one or a mischievous smile.

I pointed him my gun again, "Who are you? Why are you in... here?" I asked.

The younger, with a scowl on his face, looked at me carrying a cup of coffee. The seriousness of my face vanished.

I gave them a smile and apologized, "Oh! Sorry, I didn't know! I'm new here, you're the maids, right? Wow! I must admit, you don't look like one!" I nodded. I even walked towards the older one and examined the features of his face. "You're really handsome for a maid." I took the coffee the younger one was holding and thanked them again.

I heard the small one mumble a curse but they looked confused. Maybe my handsomeness was too much for them to handle, I gave them another smile and went on my way to deliver the coffee to my bosses.

When Khun Kinn spit the coffee and glared at me, I immediately denied it and blamed it on the maids. Khun Kinn's expressions were furious, and I think this will be the very first time I'm scared for my own life. I saw the two maids enter the room, I was about to point at them when I noticed some men paying them respect.

"Khun Vegas, Khun Macau, please have a seat."

My mouth dropped open. Oiiii, Pete!!! How stupid of you!!!! They were the sons of the secondary family! I immediately kneeled down in front of Khun Kinn.

"It was me... I admit. I don't know how to make a coffee." I closed my eyes.

I laughed remembering.

"How did you know?" I, then, looked at him with an accusing look. "You had me punished back then! Oi, Porsche!!! What's with your man?!" Porsche from the other side of the cave shrugged and chuckled from our conversation.

Khun Kinn left me to myself and joined Porsche in the innermost part of the cave to rest. Big would come back to the cave when he brings the canoe back to the island. That left me time to think, time to recall everything that happened in my life. How I fell for the first son of the secondary family in his own unique ways.

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