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"Here." Nancy handed Chrissy the gun she gave to her before. "How good can you aim?" She asked, and Chrissy didn't really know what to answer.

"I'm not sure." She answered while inspecting the revolver in her hands. Chrissy looked at Nancy who was putting some empty food cans on a table they put outside, and she knew where this was going. Hopefully, she wouldn't mess up.

"Try to aim for the cans. As long as you hit it, it'll count." Nancy instructed, and she stood beside Chrissy. Nancy had already put some bullets she bought earlier, and she was trying to see if Chrissy can shoot a gun properly.

She's gone through this before, training her aim with Jonathan to search for her friend Barbara. Guess that was the time she figured out she's pretty skilled at it.

Chrissy straightened her arms, and she pointed it at the target. She cocked the revolver, pressing the trigger after a few seconds.

She hit the side of the can, not too far from the center. It was fairly decent for a beginner. "Have you done this before?" Nancy asked with awe.

"I've seen a few shows," Chrissy replied with a small smile, and she lowered the gun. "It won't do much against bats, but it'll help for protection," Nancy told her.

Chrissy looked at Eddie and Dustin who looked like they were having fun, and Nancy turned to where she was looking. "I guess I better go," Nancy whispered, assuming many different things in her head.

Chrissy turned away from the two, and she walked to Max who was alone. "Are you sure you want to risk it?" Chrissy asked, and she sat down beside her. "It's our only possible choice," Max replied, still being able to hear her a little.

"There were many others," Chrissy told her, and Max lightly sighed. She's already had this conversation with Lucas, guess she'll have to explain that again. "We can't put an innocent stranger at risk," Max replied.

"Then what about me? He's got me before, and I escaped too." Chrissy told her. Max looked at her, thinking about any other choices they could have. She knew this was only Chrissy's first time experiencing all these strange things.

Max was experienced, she's been with the group for years. She knew she was the only one who could do it. "It's you or me. We could still change the plan-" Chrissy tried to reason, not really supporting their plan of semi-sacrificing a kid and making her bait for some monster.

"No, we can't change the plan. It's fine. I'll be fine, thank you." Max thanked Chrissy for at least being concerned for her, but she didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Sorry, I'll leave you alone for now. Good luck Max, stay safe later." Chrissy told her, and she left.

She thought it was absurd, to leave three kids alone to do a mission on their own. There should have been at least one adult to accompany them. But what can she do? Nothing at all. All she could try was to hope everyone would be safe, and the plan would go well.

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐒. 𖤣 EddisyWhere stories live. Discover now