[7.19.22] I Beat Up Grampa

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[A/N: This chapter is a joke btw]

[This goes with my estimates that grampa is like, 5'6" which means I'm a bit shorter than him in this chapter]

Grampa was walking down the city street, diving into alleys to avoid detection. Little did he know, I'd been following him for a bit. He turned into a long and narrow alley, and now it was time.

I charged at him and jumped, punching him in the cheek. He stumbled back as he twisted over to face me, and he unsheathed his claws.

I punched him again, this time in the stomach, and he keeled over. While he was down, I snatched his glasses and threw them.

He swung a punch, but he missed me by a bit. I grabbed onto his arm and grabbed it as hard as I could, letting my claws dig into his skin.

He swatted and me, then squinted, looking for his glasses; while he did, I punched him square in the jaw.

He fell backwards.

He landed on the ground, sitting and breathing heavily, and I stood over him, my lungs feeling like they were on fire.

"That's for what you did to Petey!" I yelled, and as he stood up again I punched him the stomach as many times as I could, as hard as I could.

After a while he fell down onto his stomach, but I grabbed him by the ear and punched him in the mouth.

"And that was for Laika!" I said, before running off in the other direction.

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