[9.5.22] I Won't Let You Lose Yourself In The Rain

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[A/N: I lied about the Sarah x Yolay oops 😋]
[Title is a lyric from Spring and a Storm from Tally Hall which I am currently listening to on loop as I write this]
[Does this count as a song fic? Idk probably though]

"Hey papa?" Lil Petey asked groggily, rubbing his eyes as he walked towards where his dad was curled up asleep.

"Papa?" He asked again, gently shaking Petey.

"Hmm? Oh, hey kid, what's going on?"

"Can we go outside to look at the stars?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, yeah we can," Petey said, sitting up and pushing his blanket off. Lil Petey smiled as Petey scooped him up, and they both went outside.

As they sat outside, the blackness above them was broken up by the twinkling stars.



"Can you tell me about the sky?"

"Oh, oh yeah. It's......... it's dark, and very high, and very deep."

"Deeper than............ a pool?"


"Deeper than...... a lake?"


"Is it deeper than the ocean?"

"Yeah, it is. Way deeper. Y'know kid, lots of people think that's where you go when you die," Petey said as he laid down on the soft, damp grass.

"Do you?" Lil Petey asked, joining him.

"Well, I'm not quite sure. In my opinion, I think you just return to what you were before you existed, though."


"Hey kid, did you know that the iron in your blood came from a star?"


"Yeah. Iron is only naturally formed in heart of a dying star. And you know what else, kid? Hydrogen, like in water, is also formed in stars. So much of life is formed in stars," Petey said, closing his eyes.

"So you know what that means, kid?"


"You're a star, kid. And so am I."

"Is Dog-Man?"

"Yes, Dog-Man is too, and so is Chief, and Sarah, and Flippy and Molly and all your other friends."


"Yeah. If you can see it, it came from a star, more likely than not." Petey looked over at the kid. "Isn't that amazing, kid? A star had to be born, live and die so that you could get iron in your blood. That's just amazing to me."

"It's amazing to me too! I'm gonna make sure to tell the conic club that!"

"Yeah, you should do that. In fact, I think it's also amazing that you kids are being so creative as well. You know, when I was your age I wanted to grow up to become an artist."

"Why didincha?"

Petey looked away from the kid.


"My dad told me that wouldn't make any money, and that kids would make fun of me for it."

"Its not too late to become an artist, papa!"

Petey smiled. "Thanks kid."

Lil Petey snuggled up next to Petey as a loud crack of thunder rippled through the air.

Small, barely-there rain drops started to pour down as Petey closed his eyes.


Dog-Man and 80-HD walked outside, holding blankets and pillows.

"Oh, so that's where Petey went," Dog-Man signed to 80-HD.


Dog-Man looked over at the two sleeping cats, Petey lying down in the grass and Lil Petey curled up beside him.

The rain drizzled down, getting the top of Dog-Man's ears wet.

Dog-Man gently threw the blanket over Petey and the kid, as 80 put Petey's head on a pillow.

"Wonder why they're outside." Dog-Man commented, looking at the two sleeping.

"Who knows," 80-HD began. "LP probably wanted to see the stars."

"Yeah, that sounds right," Dog-Man signed, nodding. "Let's go inside now, I don't want to get covered in rain."

As they both went inside, another crack of thunder echoed as the rain came down harder, not too hard as to wake Petey and the kid up but they were definitely there now.

"They're so peaceful," Dog-Man signed. "Hope they won't be too upset with us about being in the rain," He signed as he walked up the stairs to his room, where he fell asleep instantly.

Outside, the rain continued, dripping and dropping and sounding like fuzzy static, accompanied with the blackness of the night. And Petey wouldn't have it any either way, nor would Lil Petey or Dog-Man.

[The End]

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