ACT II|Chapter 2. Preparation For a Reunion

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Hours later...

It's now evening, and Hanta Sero is on the streets of Musutafu now, going to visit his family as the summer holidays are starting and he's walking down the half-empty streets of the city. He's currently texting Kirishima as he walks home. He's wearing a black hoodie with orange jogger bottoms on and in his left hand is a bag of cup noodles and vegetables. He starts feeling sleepy as the time there is now 9:40 and he's walking. As he yawns, he looks at his phone one more time before putting it away.

Kirishima<[I'm hanging out at McDonald's, anyone wanna come and join?]

Mina<[Count me in!]

Jiro<[Sure, I'll join.]


Me<[Sorry guys, I can't I'm tired...]

He yawns once more before looking forward. Little does he know that behind him is Ichigo. He follows the young tape boy and in his hand is a gun and he keeps walking. Then, Sero stops and he turns around and sees him.

Sero: "Huh? What the?!"

Ichigo: "You must be one of the UA kids, eh? I saw you at that funeral with a 'certain somebody.'"

Sero: "Certain somebody?"

He backs up a bit and behind him, Kaminari appears and wraps an arm around his neck before putting a cloth with chloroform and he puts it over Sero's mouth & nose. He struggles against his former friend and he passes out in a matter of seconds and slumps into Kaminari's arms and he chuckles.

Kaminari: "Hello, Hanta."

Then, a white Audi pulls up and Kaminari and Ichigo quickly open up the boot to stuff Sero's unconscious body inside before getting in the car to leave the area. Kaminari's plotting a big event...

9 hours later...

Sero: "Mmmhh...mmh?"

Then, a bright light shines on his face and he's got duct tape over his mouth and he's squinting his eyes from the light's brightness. His eyes soon adjust to it and he looks and sees that he's in a cold freezer with his arms tied behind him on a chair; he sees a silhouette in front of him wearing a fedora and a familiar voice speaks up and echoes throughout the freezer.

Kaminari: "Ah, there you are! And I thought. I was a heavy sleeper."

He moves into the light and reveals himself to be Denki Kaminari to Sero, who gasps and later growls at Kaminari in a fit of rage.

Sero: "MMH! MH H HM! MHMM! MMHHH!!!"

Kaminari: "What's that?"

He grips onto the tape on his mouth and yanks it off, causing Sero to yelp a bit from the pain and he looks at him in anger before scowling at him.


Kaminari: "Glad you asked. Preparing for a little...reunion, yes! Preparing reunion!"

Sero: "Wh- what?"

The blonde boy chuckles and takes his fedora off and he starts taking off his blazer too and places them on the side before cracking his knuckles. Then, he right hooks Sero in the jaw, bruising it and breaking some teeth out of his mouth.


Sero: "OOF! AH, WHAT THE--



Sero: "AGH! *COUGH* *SPIT*"

He spits out some blood and looks back at Kaminari who then punches Sero in the nose, causing it to bleed and he screams in pain before seeing the freezer door open up and in comes, Ichigo, who's got a blowtorch in hand and his other hand is rebar that's being heated up and Ichigo's whistling an Italian song 'Sara Perche Ti Amo'. he stops short and he hands the bar to Kaminari before leaving the blowtorch by the door and he leaves the freezer room.

Kaminari: "Thanks. Now..."

He walks forward and Sero begins gasping in fear he struggles to break out only for Kaminari to hit Sero's arms with the hot rebar and he screams in pain.

Sero: "AAAAHHH!!!!"



Kaminari: "BE QUIET!"


He backhands Sero and holds him by his chin and makes him look into his golden eyes and he lets out a small chuckle before dropping the rebar on the ground.

Kaminari: "Look how far you've come, man! It's great ain't it?"

He lets go before picking up the blowtorch near the door and he turns it on and begins to burn Sero's elbows he lets out a roar of agony and tears drip down his eyes and he keeps screaming in pain as the tape in his elbows combust.


He finishes up and Sero is left scarred and gasping in shock. Kaminari leans down to his face and lets out a little laugh.

Kaminari: "Why don't you just be grateful that you're not dead?"

He chuckles softly before slapping Sero's face and the tape boy starts whimpering and begins to tear up and Kaminari begins belittling him.

Kaminari: "Hey, hey don't cry...don't be pathetic. After all that's what you thought of me, right? When I was sad and betrayed, you left me to cry. Here you are now, looking miserable and pathetic. And you probably pissed yourself, huh?"

He looks down to see Sero's pants soaked and Sero breaks down completely and he hunches forward, crying.

Kaminari: "Alright, now answer me this or you lose an eye. Actually, or you'll be blind, where's Kirishima? Where's the squad at?"

Sero: "P-please...don't...hurt them!"

Kaminari: "Bla, bla, answer! Or you won't have to see anything for the rest of your life."


The student starts breaking down into more tears and Kaminari smirks as he's finally got an answer from Sero. He begins walking away, out of the freezer, ready to plan the next thing. So far, Sero can breathe...for now.

To be continued...

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