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They all reach to the begom birthday party place......

Jimin; BUDDY!!!!!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....(he shout because of loud music)

Begom signal DJ to lower the volume....than he went to them and welcome them......Lisa also come there and welcome them...

Lisa; ohh you all are here.....welcome.....( She hug tae and jimin who gladly accept and hug her back)

Begom; We're waiting for you all from so long.....why are you so late....

Tae; actually it's because of I was busy finding the gift which I prepared for you.....no no for both of you....(he said while looking at begom and Lisa)

Begom; ohhh thank you so much tae, and it's okay I was just joking....come let's enjoy the party.....

Jimin; frist open the gift which tae have brought for you.....(jk just roll his eyes which was un notice by everyone)

When begom was about to open the gift tae stop him by grabbing his hand and said.....)

Tae; don't open it now......latter you'll understand that.....

Jk(pov); why do he have to grab his hand can't he just say by keeping a little distance....

BG; okay if you say so, now come....

Begom cut the cake and give frist bite to Lisa than to other....begom open the gift which tae give him.....it was small and their was a small box.... when he open it.....their was two ring named begom and Lisa....

Begom smile ear to ear than he looked at tae who was looking at him with a smile and just nobbed.....begom come to stage and started to give speech.....

BG; Everyone, frist I want to say thank you so much for coming and today is a big day for me because I want to announce something...... Everyone knows that I have girlfriend right so I want to announce that we're going to marry with each other very soon and today we're going to engage.....(he kneel down Infront of Lisa and said)

So Ms.Lisa would you like to marry me......

Would you like to accept me as I'm, as what I'm..... would you like change your surname to, park Lisa..... would you like to spend your life with me.......(while saying this tears are continuously falling from his eyes and from lisa's too...)

Lisa; Okay but I have some conditions....

BG; I'm ready to accept whatever conditions you have.....

Lisa; frist listen my conditions..

BG; No you don't have to tell.....I'll accept every conditions of yours.....

Lisa; if you're ready than I'm also ready.....I mean "YES I'M READY TO MARRY YOU".....(they both hug each other tightly not wanting to leave.... seeing this everyone smile through tears in their eyes....)

Jimin; finally he found his true love, I'm so happy for him.....(he said in low voice that nobody can heard him but yoongi heard everything and he hug jimin who smile)

Tae; kooke look nah~ isn't they're looking like made for each other....(jk mmm in response) that stop talking shit about he cheated on me.....

Jk; tae, do you have any one in your heart????(jk just asked him straightforward..... which make tae a little bit nervous)

Tae; wh.....wh..at  a..re  y...ou  talk...ing abo..ut  ko..oke.....(jk turn him towards him.....now both face to face but tae is looking down)

Jk; don't lie tae I know you like someone else.....that's why you break up with him because you can't give him the place which he deserves.....

Tae; who said that....

Jk; begom,(tae wide his eyes..... what if begom tell jk that he love him.....)

Tae(pov); what have you done begom hyung now I'm in big trouble what if he broke our friendship......no no I can't let this happen...

Tae; ohh really hyung say that, did he tell you his name???

Jk;  No, that's why I'm asking with you....now tell me who is he...(tae sigh in relief because he thought jk know that he love him)

Tae; why do you want to know......yes I love someone that's why we break up.....because "I STILL LOVE HIM"(jk feel someone stabbing his heart when tae say he still love him)

Jk; what is his name???

Tae; why do you want to know.....their's nothing between us because my love is one sided..... he'll be never gonna love me back(saying that his tears falling from his eyes....jk saw it and hug tae)

Jk; I'm sorry tae....I thought you both are in relationship and hiding with us.....I didn't know about it...... sorry  tae  please don't cry.....(tae just sob)

Jhope (pov)

I'm feeling so sad seeing them(yoonmin) together......I love yoongi from a long time but never dare to confess because I'm afraid what if he broke our friendship..... it's all my fault that I didn't confess and jimin come in his life.....jimin is not a bad person I know that but I can't take this pain anymore..... seeing them hugging, giggling, kissing and spend time make me jealous.....

(Jhope was looking at yoonmin and tears dropping from his eyes......than he started to drink)

Other hand with taekook,

Tae; I know he'll never gonna love me like I do......(he said while looking at jk's eyes)

Jk; don't worry tae you'll find someone better than him.....just forget him......

Tae; okay I'll try(jk give him a smile because he don't know that he was talking about himself.....tae just feel disappointed....

Tae(pov); can't he see that I love him....such a idiot and coconut head he is....I think he is right I should forget about him)

Everyone went home and yoongi take jhope to his home because jhope was drunk......in yoongi's home jhope just confess his love for him......in frist yoongi become shocked yoongi also feel the same about him but didn't dare to confess.....and can't cheat on jimin also, so he decided to pretend that he didn't heard anything because he know jhope will forget about it.....

Day pass and become week than month.... everything changed.....jk release his feelings for tae but afraid to confess.... other hand yoongi trying to ignore jhope and spend most of the time with jimin...... which make jhope sad because his best friend is ignoring him.......jimin also feel that something is bothering yoongi but WHAT......

THANK YOU Guys for watching 💜💜💜💟💟💟💟💟

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