{~How you met~}

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~Author pov~
Y/N was just a normal student with high grades, potential, and an amazing reputation, she was an only daughter, her family runs a huge company, all of those really are great 1st impressions and on top of that an amazing personality! Kind, sweet, caring, smart, graceful, beautiful and more! Anyone with be honored to have her attention, but she was focused on her studies, some would say she's the perfect similarity of Beauty and Brains!, which caught the attention of a certain student councilour.

~Y/N pov~
After class finished I quickly rushed out of the room to escape the huge horde that was attacking me with complements and gifts, after I escaped them I covered my face using my hair and went to my locker to get my lunch, after doing so one of the students recognized me and shouted.

Student:"GUYS IT'S Y/N!".I quickly ran away again trying to escape the huge horde that was after me, not paying attention to where I was going I found myself bumping into a firm muscled chest, with the fast pace I was going after bumping into the said chest I fell to the ground.

Y/N:"Ow...o-oh gosh I'm so sorry-". I cut off my words as I looked up to see who it was, it was one of the student councilours the vice president Lucifer himself, I stood up and fixed my uniform and my posture.

Y/N:"G-good afternoon Mr. Vice president, I'm truly sorry for bumping into you,it was my mistake!". I bowed then looked behind me 'Oh good I lost them'.

Lucifer:"Y/N? Am I correct?".

Y/N:"O-oh! Yes that's me it's an honor to meet you Mr-". Then he put a finger on my mouth and spoke.

Lucifer:"Lucifer, call me Lucifer, and I must say it's an honor to meet you as well". He took his finger away from my mouth and held it out gesturing me to shake it.

I took his hand and gave a firm shake Y/N:"Alright Lu...Lucifer".

Lucifer:"So running away from fans?".
He then pulled his hand away.

Y/N:'How'd he know?'. "Yeah its kinda hard dealing with it". I scratched the back of my neck and laughed nervously.

Lucifer:"No need to be so formal and nervous around me, say I recommend you join the student council, with you're beauty and brains or just everything about you is really fitted for a councilour and also because it will fix you're problem with fans, once you're a student council students will avoid you and respect you,now would that be the answer to you're problems?". I thought for a moment and finally spoke.

Y/N:"Being a student council is quite the heavy job, not to mention the duties you must do, and well it will fix my problem with my fans but will also disappoint them...ill think about it". I smiled at him, he seemed disappointed but smiled anyway.

Lucifer:"Alright I'll wait until you're ready, if you're ready to answer I'll be just around the school, have a nice day Y/N". He then walked away and I proceed to walk towards the library.

~what he thinks about you~

~Lucifer pov~
'Huh so the rumors were true, I hope we meet again soon'.

Lucifer to Y/N=Darling
Y/N to Lucifer=Luci


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