~Cathing Feelings Part 2~

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*Be both surprised and amused about it but mostly surprised.

*"I wonder a childish? Is that she called me? Anyway a childish king and a strict military leader? Will they end up together?".

*Naruto runs to Barbatos, sometimes towards Lucifer or Asmo mostly to Barbatos.

*Treats you like his queen.

*Is nervous sometimes to talk to you because of you're cold attitude but ends up doing it anyway.

*Would take you to a Gucci, Louis Viutton, Chanel store to shower you with gifts, but he let's you pick it because he doesn't want to buy you something you don't like.

*Sugar Zaddy.

*Would probably ditch his paperwork to spend time with you but Barbatos always know, he just let it slide, sometimes Barbatos can be really mad by it.

*You are my queen Y/N! So am I you're Guard Dog?".

*Too innocent for his own kind so Barbatos banned him to talk about love with Asmo.


*Already knew it.

*Will do anything from his will-power to make you happy.

*Let's Lucifer babysit Diavolo for a while to hang out with you.

*Loves the way you ignore him.

*Kind of a yandere type but not the "notice me senpai" type.

*Would go visit you in hell's kitchen everyday.

*Probably an all out type but sometimes the simple type of gifts like affection and attention or time.

*"I wonder what you would be like if you were my assistant".


*Same with Barbatos.

*Would tell Solomon about it since Solomon is a human and can understand human needs and emotions.

*Probably brings Luke with him as a support when hanging out with you.

*Sad he couldn't keep the drawing of him you made.

*Will go to the simple gifts option Solomon recommend it to him because mostly humans only needs their Attention as a gift.

*Brings you snacks everyday after school when you're working on you're drawings.

*An angel and a human, I know it's forbidden but I'll do anything to change that rule for you my dear Y/N.


*Of course this terrible chef knew about it.

*"I wonder what spell she casted on me?".

*Since you are his apprentice of course he will make every hang out worth it.

*As what he stated in Simeon's scenario he will go with the simple gifts.

*He would love to bring you one of his cooking creations but failed to approach the kitchen every.single.time.

*I hope I'll be able to give her my cooking, I'm getting way more jealous of Simeon and Luke giving her treats and I can't!".

Word count:435 words

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