{~How you met Part 2~}

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~Author pov~
Y/N's father was one of The Demon King's (aka Diavolo's dad) business partners, so Y/N was a demon, the daughter of Yumura L/N the leader of a military force in devildom, soon after her father deceased she was the one in charge, all her life she was trained to be the perfect leader in the future, now it came true, she was very skilled and intelligent, unlike Diavolo Y/N was strict and possessive just like her father, after a year of doing so she was assigned to be the protector of Diavolo since Diavolo was soon going to be crowned king and also the fact that the demon king himself trusted Y/N to keep his son safe at all costs.

~Y/N pov~
As i was helping out a junior military, i got a call from the demon king.

Moeko (Assistant):"Miss L/N, it's for you". She handed me the phone which the call was requested from Diavolo's father, I froze at the sudden call I then excused myself and answered the call.

Y/N:"Yes you're majesty?".

Demon King:"Y/N I need you to be my son's protector, you might be wondering why, it's because I will soon leave my place as the demon king".

Y/N:"I understand You're Majesty but doesn't he already had his butler? Barbatos I think".

Demon King:"Well yes, but two is better than one".

Y/N:"I see, I'll gladly obey You're Majesty".

Demon King:"Thank you for understanding Y/N, be sure to send me some updates about him and how are things going".

Y/N:"As you wish You're Majesty". And with that the call ended, the next day I put Moeko in charge, ang give me some updates on how are everything is going.

Today's the day, I will leave the my army in order to protect Diavolo, I ordered all of the forces to meet up in the gym and told them about my situation, they easily agreed since Moeko is one of the top soldiers out there, then after the speech I went to the Demon Lord's Castle and knocked on the door.

Barbatos:"Good evening Miss L/N,the demon prince is right this way".

Y/N:"You're his butler correct?".

Barbatos:"Yes, I'm Barbatos the butler of the demon prince, it's an honor to meet you". He bowed and gestured me to go inside.

Y/N:"I see, well I'm assuming you already know me".

Barbatos:"Yes I do, but let's not waste time no more, young master is waiting".

Y/N:"Alright ".He then escorted me towards the throne room.

Barbatos:"Young master's She's here".

Y/N:'Master's? '. I thought then I saw Diavolo standing in the middle smiling widely, but I saw an unfamiliar face which seemed to be sadistic in my preview.

Diavolo:"Y/N L/N right?". He held out his hand still smiling.

Y/N:"Correct and if I may ask who is he?". I looked at the dark haired male beside Diavolo.

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