~Catching Feelings~

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*He wouldn't probably be shocked about it.

*Asked Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, or Asmodeus for help in confessing.

*When he knew about it he promised himself not to lose you and protect you no matter what.

*Would be giving you gifts and flowers on you're desk.

*Plans to keep in touch with you, probably would call it stalking.

*Would treat you like a queen.

*I wonder, how did you make me feel like this?.


*Really surprised about it

*There's no way that flirty human would make me feel like this!?

*Does she like me too? No! I shouldn't be thinking that!

*Would ask his brothers for help but always says "It's for a friend".

*Will get jealous when he sees you flirting with another guy whose not him.


*Will give you gifts but always comes up with an excuse.

*Just be grateful that The Great Mammon got these for ya!


*Would be both surprised and amused about it.

*She's so amazing! Even I fell for her!

*She would never love me back, why would she ever like a nothing for good shut in Otaku like me?

*Will still put notes in you're desk and will still not reveal himself yet.

*He's never really open about his feelings for you not until Asmodeus noticed and decided to help him.

*Would probably have a whole shrine of you're music, some photos of you, and some other stuff like the gifts he wanted to give you in person but decided to do put it on you're desk, keeps an eye on it whenever someone might steal it.

*Would go to every concert you are in.

*Would be too embarrassed to talk to you but you always make the first move.


*Already knew he was in love.

*Would ditch on prank plans with Belphie to spend time with you.

*Would take you to a cat cafe to hang out, pet cats, and read some books.

*Will give you cat like gifts, and you love them! (Sorry if you don't).

*Wouldn't be embarrassed to show off to people the gifts he got you.

*Will move and ask you if you're comfortable with the crowd.

*Don't worry kitten I'll keep you comfortable.


*Same as Satan

*Who wouldn't love someone like Y/N? It's already obvious that I like her! And well who wouldn't like me✨.

*Get's jealous when you help male students.

*Shows off the gifts he has for you.

*Oh Y/N~! Look what I got for you~!

*Treats you like the queen you already are.

*I wonder what you're reaction will be if I say I like you, cause I already do.


*He would go straight to Belphie of course.

*Unlike Levi, Beelzebub is pretty open about his feelings for you.

*I should hang out with her more, that way I can know her interest then I can give it to her as a gift!

*I does she like me back?, maybe Belphie's right I have to know myself when she will have feelings for me then I'll confess to her.

*Will give you Food as a gift (mostly chocolate) but you always share it with him, Beel's Happy about it!

*'You're generosity is just one of the things I love about you'.

Yukki:"Remember when it's (') it means he's saying it in his thoughts".


*Pretty shocked about but not too much.

*Ask directly to Satan and because of the fact that Satan has many books according to romance, and also Beel is not quite the person for romance.

*Will hesitate to ask Asmo about it because of his teasing, sometimes he asks Levi.

*I wonder what kind of gifts a should give her, Levi said my attention and time is already enough so don't buy something that will just go to waste and forgotten, but Satan said that I SHOULD be giving her gifts to resemble my love for her.

*I think I'll go with option 1,  matchmaker Levi asked me to put these tiny headsets on my ear then he will tell me what to say to her, how do these things even work?

Yukki:"Part 2 with the side characters will be released soon!".

Word count:"704 words

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