~Confession part 2~

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*An obvious all out.

*Takes you to a private date in a expensive place (advice by:Asmo).

*Romantic/Classical music plays in the background (Advice by:Lucifer).

*Showers you with gifts but not too much jewelry more likely food (Advice by:Barbatos).

*Since he knows how un-girlish you are decides to shower you with his affection and attention (Decided by himself).

*Asked Barbatos to be the waiter so that when he doesn't know what to do or if something goes wrong he'll ask Barbatos.

*"Y/N you've been a real help in my life, even though you can be scary sometimes but I know deep down in your heart you're not always like that, I know I could be a real drag for you but you've already protected me enough, so I want to protect you too and stay by you're side, I love you Y/N will you be my queen?".

*You let go of you're cold attitude and accepted him.

*You both kiss as the music gets to its best part.

*Passionate 95℅, Sloppy 5℅.


*Since Diavolo isn't much of a romantic person so he'll ask Lucifer, Solomon, Simeon, and Asmo.

*He wanted it to be perfect so when he knew you liked nature (sorry if you don't) he instantly picked the most gorgeous garden of them all.

*Asks your boss if you could get a day off and he accepted.

*At daytime he will spend the day with you talking, playing, until it will turn night time.

*Picks the specific day of where the devildom blood moon will rise, also because it matches the color of roses with are you're favorite (Sorry if it isn't).

*For the gifts he will give you a bouquet of roses.

*Takes one of the roses from the bouquet and places it on you're ear.

*"Y/N even tho our relationship may be awkward for the first time, but as soon as I got to know you better it's not the way you ignore me that I liked but it's everything about you, up until now I haven't lost my interest in you even if you keep ignoring me, but I want to be the one you will give such amazing words, I love you my little silent rose.

*You accepted and soon after the confession stopped you're silent act whenever you're with him.

*100% Passionate.


*A simple type.

*Knows how much you feel guilty whenever someone gives you lots of gifts so he kept it simple but still gave you a gift anyway but not a lot.

*Asks Solomon, Luke, Barbatos, Lucifer and Asmo for help.

*Knows how dirty Asmo gets so he brought a Bible with him just incase.

*Takes you to the museum for "Art Purposes".

*He didn't bring Luke with him this time because he wanted it to be just you and him.

*Takes you somewhere no one is around wich was the garden.

*While you were observing some flowers, he will surprise you with a golden necklace.

*While you're wining about how you don't deserve the necklace he already placed it on you're neck then shushes you.

*Y/N I'm the one that doesn't deserve to have met a perfect human like you, you mean the world to me, as an angel I know it's forbidden for humans and angels to be together but when it's for you I'll do anything to change that rule, I love you Y/N will you help me destroy that rule?

*You said you love him too!, the both of you kissed while the wind breeze flows around the flowers.

*I think it's a 93℅ passionate.


*Since he's human and a romantic type he didn't ask anyone for help.

*A passing grade=a passing gift!

*He sent you a message that today's final exam will be at a different place.

*He chose a museum that was all about constellations and stars.

*Teaches you a very difficult but beautiful magic.

*When you finally completed it he will reward you with a passing grade and also a loving confession.

*It must have been fate when you were the one chosen to be the exchange student here at RAD, I couldn't take my eyes off you I know some people call me weird, suspicious, and a bad chef but I want to show you the side of me no one knows, I love you Y/N will you be my girlfriend?

*You said you feel the same then you both kissed as the stars above form a heart.

*Solomon casted a spell to those specific stars if you're wondering.

*A 94℅? Idk.

Word count:773 words

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