Ghost Egg

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Unknown Location

Chester, the alien bird who own a casino, was getting chased by an unknown assailant while his men just got gunned down. He ran as fast as he can only to reach a dead end.

Chester: "W-Who put you up to this? It was T.H. wasn't it? Well he's too late. I already sent the package to LAW HQ."

The assailant jumped out of the shadows, revealing it to be a female feline wearing a mask.

The assailant jumped out of the shadows, revealing it to be a female feline wearing a mask

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Chester: "He won't get a thing and I'm not afraid of you!"

He said, only for the feline assassin extended her claws, making him scared.

Chester: "Okay! Maybe I am. Your master is man of opportunity. Here have them."

The bird revealed to have some space cash on him and dropped it out of persuasion but no avail. As he continued to beg for his life, but in the end...his wings got clipped.

The cat assassin got onto her ship and fled the scenery as her client began to call.

The cat assassin got onto her ship and fled the scenery as her client began to call

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T.H.: "Hey. Nice work as always Ms. Kara! A shame we couldn't catch Chester in time. We're already putting together a plan to retrieve the package but it'll take awhile. However to help pass the time, I have something else for ya. That bird is a valuable target. You can take care of his bodyguards as you see fit."

The Bodyguards

The Bodyguards

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