Chapter 5:

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Carina's POV*. It was our first morning in New York, I was the only one awake. I already ordered room service, I have a whole bunch of things planned for us to do today. I was setting everything up when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my leg, when I checked to see who it was, it was Everleigh. Carina "hi my little bambina what are you doing up so early", Everleigh "hungry mama", Carina "lol. Why don't you sit down and have some breakfast", Everleigh "tablet mama", Carina "I'll get it. Just eat baby", I quickly grabbed Everleigh's tablet and put on zombies for her. Maya "morning", Carina "morning babe. Are the other two still sleeping", Maya "yeah. What's planned for today", Carina "you'll just have to wait and see", Maya "okay, I can't have a hint", Carina "no that will spoil it, I want everything to be a surprise", Maya "okay okay", Kamri "mommy", Maya "good morning princess. Where's Hailey, is she still sleeping", Hailey "no she's brushing her teeth", Maya "you should be doing the same princess", Kamri "okay mommy", Maya "are we at least gonna be in the city today", after all the girls were finally up, we were out and about.

 Where's Hailey, is she still sleeping", Hailey "no she's brushing her teeth", Maya "you should be doing the same princess", Kamri "okay mommy", Maya "are we at least gonna be in the city today", after all the girls were finally up, we were out an...

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Madame Tussaud's is the first place we explored together as a family. We saw tons of wax figures including iron man, Taylor Swift, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Edward and Jacob, Connie Britton, Robin Williams, Oprah, and many more. Everleigh was the only one that was a bit spooked, she didn't like that they looked so realistic, even though that was kind of the point.

The Museum of Natural History was next

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The Museum of Natural History was next. Just the building itself was amazing, but when we reached inside, it was even better. Kamri "mommy look t-Rex", Maya "I know, it's big isn't it", Kamri "yeah", Carina "what do you think Hailey", Hailey "this is really cool", we took tons of pictures of the girls. Hailey was obsessed with the t-Rex, being her favorite dinosaur made it really fun for her. Kamri was obsessed with the giant shark exhibit. The limited time exhibit, there was a replica of a megalodon mouth and was Kamri so small compared to it. We stopped at the gift store because we couldn't pass it up, Hailey "mama could I get this", Carina "there is no way you are gonna eat that", Hailey "please mama", Carina "babe our child is weird, she wants crickets", Maya "then get it", Carina "okay, you can get it babes", Hailey "thanks mama", Maya "we explored so much already, where are we headed next", Carina "the next one is a bit of a surprise", Maya "okay", after grabbing a quick something to eat we headed to our destination, which wasn't that far from the museum.

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