Chapter 32:

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Carina has been up all night decorating, Kelvin and Andy had helped but Carina told them to go to bed so they could get their rest. Carina was lying on the couch, she was so tired from everything she did. Andy "Carina", Carina "mmm", Andy "why aren't you in bed", Carina "I just fell asleep here", Andy "go get your ass in bed with the birthday girl", Carina "but I have so much more to do", Andy "I will take care of all of it", Carina "Andy seriously", Andy "I'm being serious as well, go get yourself some rest", Carina "thank you so much", Andy "you're welcome", Andy looked at the list of things that needed to be done, she had help with Kelvin. Kelvin "do you wanna go get the cake and cookies while I continue with the set up", Andy "sure", Andy goes to pick up the treats while Kelvin started to get the food set up. Hailey "where's my mama", Kelvin "she's sleeping right now", Hailey "do you think you could make us something to eat", Kelvin "yeah, what do you girls want", Hailey "we all just want some cereal, that's all", Kelvin "alright sit at the table girls", Masha came through the door, Kelvin "you don't have a lot of lessons", Masha "I only had five lessons", Kelvin "can you help finish decorating for your sister's birthday", Masha "sure let me change real quick", Kelvin "okay, babe your phone is going off", Masha "I'm coming", Elena "hey", Masha "hey, how's it going with the girls", Elena "they are angels, but look at this, I was working with her for about an hour and look at her", Masha "is that her solo", Elena "it's part of it", Masha "it's beautiful Elena", Elena "thanks, we'll tell your sister I said happy birthday", Masha "I will", Elena "would I be able to ask you a favor", Masha "sure what is it", Elena "you know I'm not really all for a relationship but I really want a baby, and ivf is hard but I want the support", Masha "I'm all for it, when is your first appointment", Masha "on Monday", Masha "I'll be there", Elena "okay thanks". Masha hangs up the phone and then continues helping Kelvin. Within an hour or two Kelvin had gone out to get more balloons, Kamri "when is mommy and mama gonna get up", Kelvin "when they are ready", in a few minutes Carina was up. Andy "that wasn't long", Carina "I can't sleep", Kamri "mama, mommy's up", Maya came out of the bedroom, "what's all this", Masha "happy birthday Maya", Maya "thanks", Carina "happy birthday baby", Maya "thanks babe", Kamri "happy birthday", Hailey "happy birthday", Everleigh "happy birthday", Maya "thank you my girls", Kelvin "happy birthday", Maya "thanks. You did all this for me", Andy "yeah, I have a surprise", we went to the store and to Maya's surprise, it was Katherine, her and Masha's mother. Katherine "happy birthday Maya", Maya "thanks mom", Masha hugged her mom, they hadn't seen each other in a while. Katherine "you're getting big", Masha "yeah just a few weeks that's all. Recently found out", Katherine "so where are all my grandkids", Maya "yard, Kingston is the only one asleep", Masha "Avery and Posie aren't here, they are sleeping over at Elena's for the weekend", Katherine "okay", Carina took her outside so she could see her other grandkids, the ones that were currently playing in the backyard.
Maya "you know ya did not have to all this, I really appreciate it", Masha "with everything you do for all of us, you deserve it Maya. You really do", Maya "thanks", after Maya had showered with Carina she was no longer in the mood to sleep, she was fully awake. Victoria came followed by Travis, Jack, Ben, Robert, Natasha and Miranda. Victoria "it is so good to see you", Maya "I know. I miss being with you all but we love it out here", Victoria "I'm sure you do. You're new station is definitely lucky to have you as their battalion chief", Maya "thanks. So I kind of have an announcement to make", Carina "you do", Maya "yeah, I have been keeping it a secret for a while", Carina "what's that behind you", Maya "you'll see", Maya told everyone to close their eyes, and then put something on the table.

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