Chapter 36:

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Maya has been struggling a bit with so much pressure at work and at home, and it's getting a bit difficult to manage both. She was in the gym at the station, she's been avoiding Carina all day and her sister. Maya was on the treadmill working herself out, pushing herself to the limit, and her being so worked up got her hurt. She slipped hitting her head, just as the fire alarm went off her team geared up but didn't bother taking a look for her. Jason "where's Bishop", Mike "get a move on let's go", the team left still unaware of Bishop's fate at this point because nobody bothered checking on her. Carina was at work pacing back and forth, having mood swings because her wife wasn't answering her phone like she normally does. Carina's hands shook every time she dialed Maya's number, and she got more and more confused every time her wife phone went straight to voicemail. The girls had to be picked up from school and she was on the clock so she couldn't pick them up, Carina's phone started ringing but it wasn't Maya, it was her daughter. Carina calmed down before answering the phone, Carina "hey bambina", Evie "mama is everything okay. We still haven't been picked up", Carina "Evie listen to me honey, I want you to go to the principal and tell her I give you full permission to leave the school along with your siblings, and go to the studio", Evie "okay. Mom she said she wants to talk to you", Carina "put her on", "hi. I am aware that you are giving the okay for them to leave", Carina "yes, I am stuck at work. This usually never happens, my wife had an inspection at work today and her sister is at work as well", "how far is it where they are going", Carina "not that far, it's a block away from the school", "okay. I am letting them go", Carina "okay. Once you get to the studio, see if your aunt Masha could get you girls something to eat", Evie "okay mama", Carina "don't leave Masha at all", Evie "we won't", Carina "please honey", Evie "mama what's going on", Carina "I don't know but mom hasn't answered her phone all day. I think something happened", within a few minutes Carina got paged that her wife was unconscious and was being taken to the ICU. Carina "bambina I have to go, mom got hurt. Like she's really hurt", Evie and her siblings got to the studio. Masha "I wasn't expecting you girls. What's going on", Masha noticed Evie's behavior was off, she wasn't in a good mood like her sisters. Masha "girls why don't you go help Srna, she needs help choosing a costume for the upcoming showcase", Masha sat next to Evie. Masha "you okay. I haven't known you long but something is wrong. I can tell by the look in your eyes", Evie "mama will tell you", all of a sudden Masha's phone was going off constantly. Masha "I will be back sweetie, I got to take this", Masha "hello", Carina "listen I don't even know what happened. They are telling me Maya fell and hit her head. She's unconscious, none of her team members knew this, I'm freaking out right now. I was so worried and now I have no choice to be. I knew something bad happened", Masha "Carina slow down, I can't understand you", Carina "Maya was in accident, at the station. She was running on the treadmill, she hit her head. Masha it's bad. It really really bad, I'm so freaking scared and worried right now. I don't know what to do", Masha "I'll be there, Kelvin will take the girls home", Carina "Masha I can't breathe. My chest is so tight right now. They just brought her in. She's unconscious. She's not even moving", Masha "I am on my way", Kelvin "what's going on", Masha "my sister was in an accident. She's unconscious at the hospital, she was taken to the hospital Carina works at", Kelvin "you want me to take the girls home", Masha "yes please. I need to check on Carina because she's freaking out and I need to make sure she's okay", Kelvin "okay. Love you and be careful", Masha "oh yeah. Don't tell them either, Evie is the only one that knows, they don't need to know Maya's hurt", Kelvin "okay". Masha changed her clothes and immediately left.

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