Chapter 88:

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Masha "what's going on", Maya "Hailey's been self harming, and starving herself", Masha "what", Maya "yeah, that's the same thing I said when I found out about the whole thing. Hailey's been keeping in a secret until she decided to confess to Carina", Masha "you never really know what's going on with your children unless you ask of dig into their lives", Maya "true, how's Avery been", Masha "she's fine. Same old, keeps to herself", Maya "maybe you should dig into her things", Masha "that's invading her privacy", Maya "she's a child, her privacy is your privacy lol", Masha "but I wouldn't wanna do that to her. I would not do that to my child", Maya "has she talked to you, or Teresa", Masha "when she wants to or when she wants something but that's about it. She actually got invited to this event being hosted by Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney from Vanderpump rules", Maya "that sounds amazing", Masha "yeah", Maya "I still think you should dig into her things", Masha "Maya, I'm not doing that", Maya "I wish I would have done that, then I would have known sooner that Hailey was being bullied", Masha "maybe your right on that one, let me get going, Teresa's been blowing my phone up", Maya "okay".

Masha goes home, Teresa "it's about time you came home", Masha "sorry, what's going on. Why are you blowing my phone up like crazy", Teresa "you want to tell your mother", Avery "no", Masha "get back here right now. Right now", Avery "oh my gosh, can't I just go to my room", Masha "leave the attitude for someone else, get over here right now Avery. What is your mom talking about"? Avery "nothing", Masha "Avery you've got one chance to give me an answer, if not you're gonna be punished", Avery "punished for what mom, I didn't even do anything", Masha "speak up", Avery "oh my gosh. I said no mom. Leave me alone", Teresa "Avery cut the shit out and stop with the nonsense, and lies. You've tested my patience and I don't have the time for this anymore. Open your mouth if not I'm gonna tell her myself", Avery "I'm not even lying", Teresa "yes you are, you've been lying this entire month,
I'm done with it", Masha "give me your phone", Avery "mom please no", Masha "give me the phone, I'm not asking you again", Avery slammed the phone into her mom's hand, Masha "now what is she talking about", Avery "mommy I didn't do anything", Masha "stop lying Avery, I hate liars. If you lie to my face one more time I'm gonna pop you in your mouth. I'm not playing anymore", Avery "these girls were being rude to mean during recess, since we were at recess the teachers couldn't do anything about it. The girls started biting me and I pushed both of them and they accidentally fell to the floor. You happy now, you are both so annoying", the doorbell started ringing, Avery "don't get that, that's for me. I'm going with Danai for the weekend", Teresa "says who", Avery "says me", Avery took her backpack and left. Teresa "I think that was the wrong way to handle the situation", Masha "was it though. She was lying", Teresa "but that ain't funny when the kids lie", Masha "I know that, but I think we could have did something a bit differently", Teresa "it'll be okay. I'm going to shower", Masha "okay baby". Masha's phone started ringing, Masha "hello", Danai "so what is this I hear that Avery got her phone taken away because she was lying about an accident at school", Masha "Danai, it wasn't even like that. She kept lying, so we took the phone she would come clean about what happened", Danai "why didn't you do something different, she's over crying up a storm in my arms because her phone got taken away, and because the two of you yelled her constantly", Masha "I know what we did was the wrong way. I know that, but I'm not sorry for taking the damn phone away because she is always getting distracted by it. She doesn't even do her chores or her homework unless the phone gets taken", Danai "okay I will talk to her about that, but remember we are all her parents and have to work together on parenting her", Masha "I know that. Can I call you later", Danai "sure", Masha "Kyleigh", Kyleigh "yes mom", Masha "come here for a second", Kyleigh "yes", Masha "did you see what happened at school, the accident with your sister", Kyleigh "I didn't see anything mom", Masha "are you sure", Kyleigh "yes mom, I didn't see nothing. Besides I wasn't even outside for recess, I was helping my teacher", Masha "have you did anything wrong", Kyleigh "mom really, why are you asking me that. Why would I even do that", Masha "I don't know", Kyleigh "okay remember when I told you that I wanted to go a friend's house for studying", Masha "yeah, what about it", Kyleigh "um I found out that something bad that happened to my friend", Masha "what do you mean", Kyleigh "my friend has been getting abused and drugged by her mother", Masha "what, are you serious", Kyleigh "yeah", Masha "do you remember where your friend lives", Kyleigh "yeah, what are you going to do", Masha "help her", Kyleigh "what do you mean help her", Masha "how would you feel if I adopted her",
Kyleigh "YAY", Masha "shh keep it down baby", Kyleigh "sorry", Masha "go clean your room, and then set up the guest room", Kyleigh "okay mom". Teresa "why are you being so loud", Kyleigh "nothing, sorry mama", Teresa "where's mom", Kyleigh "um she said she had some errands to run", Teresa "where's your sisters", Kyleigh "Posie and Monroe are napping, same thing with the twins", Teresa "alright". Incoming call from wifey, Masha "hey baby", Teresa "hey, where are you? And why did you leave me home alone with our five kids", Masha "babe I'll back, I have something to do", Teresa "that's too important", Masha "are you kidding me, your punished for asking me what I'm doing", Teresa "we'll I guess I'm happy then. I've been a bad girl. Do I need a spanking", Masha "that will happen when I get home", Teresa "okay, I'll be waiting", Masha "okay". Masha pulled up to the building that Kyleigh's friend lived in. She parked the car and got out of the car, and headed into the building. She headed to the eighth floor and knocked on the apartment door that Kyleigh told her, "who is it", Masha "um, my name is Masha, I'm Kyleigh's mom", Noa "what are you doing here", Masha "Kyleigh told me what was going on, do you wanna stay in our house", Noa "look I appreciate it so much but my mom will literally kill my ass if I go with you. She's already done enough to me, and I'm sure she'll be happy to beat my ass once again if she finds out I left the house", Masha "living in an abusive environment isn't the best thing for anyone", Noa "yeah, and what would you know about that", Masha "because my father abused me and my siblings growing up", Noa "I'm sorry you went through that, I really don't wanna get my mom angry", Masha "honey please, my daughter will freak if you don't come home with me", Noa "Kyleigh did all this, she set this whole thing up", Masha "yeah", Noa "just give me a minute I have to pack some things", Masha "okay", within a few minutes Noa had finally agreed to go back to Masha's place. Teresa "who is that girl with mom", Kyleigh "NOA", the two of them hugged, Kyleigh "come to my room", Teresa "what the fuck is going on here", Masha "can you calm down, one we are not about to fight for the dumbest things, two you could have ask our child that, three she's being abused and I'm not letting her stay in that position", Teresa "and you couldn't run it by me first before making any decisions, were a couple. We do things together, not separately. You know that", Masha "I'm not arguing right now", Posie "MOMMY", Masha "oops looks like that's my cue", Masha left the dining room and went to Posie's room. Masha "what's wrong mommy's princess. Oh no, you're burning up", Posie "I sick mommy", Masha "stay here mommy will get you medicine".

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