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Nontsikeleo’s POV:
Most of you know me as Lethabo’s ex-wife. Well let me introduce myself nicely. I am Nontsikelelo Precious Buthelezi, 26 years of age. I got rid of the Mokgau surname because it disgusts me at this point. As much as I am a housewife, I hold a degree interior and spatial designing. I work with Qhawe and yes I have shares in his company. Whenever his clients need an interior designer, he refers them to me. I am good at what I do and I'm glad to say that I'm very proud of myself. Well Lethabo doesn’t know any of that. Don't get me wrong though. I hid this from him, because he had problems with independent women. I on the other side was just looking for love. My relationship with Lethabo was good, I've had happy memories. That I won’t lie about. Well, he was a good father but now he’s going downhill. He isn’t the father that he was. Well, I might have disclosed that Beauty gave birth to his daughter, when he said that he’d do anything for his children. I don’t know how I lost it, but that’s when I said “You’d do anything for your children, but you tried to kill your first daughter that Beauty carried for 9 months”. Guilt has been eating him up to the point that he neglected his sons. I can take care of my sons without his help, but my problem is, I don’t want them to grow up without a father figure.

Aya’s POV:
I think I didn’t introduce myself properly. I am Ayanda Sithole, I'm part of the Hunters gang. One of the biggest gang in South Africa. Those who know me call me the Empress. Yes, I am the gang leader. Now, I don’t like it when people mess with those I hold dear to. You touch my loved ones, it’s either I eliminate you or I torture you until you decided to take your face off the earth. So, today I'm going to deal with this Tracy girl once and for all. My right hand man Nicki has her at the warehouse and that’s where I’m headed to. I arrive at the warehouse and notice the familiar face.
Tracy: Ayanda Sithole?
Aya: Ohh nguwe Tracy Dlamini. (ohh it’s you)
Tracy: What do you want from me kanti Ayanda. I’ve stayed away from you, what more do you want?
Aya: Tracy what were you planning to do to Beauty, knowing that she’s Qhawe’s partner?
Tracy: Haibo nothing.
Aya: Zanele Tracy Dlamini, don’t forget that I know. Don’t you dare forget that you’ve always envied Beauty’s life. You don’t love Qhawe wena. I know you were sent by your little friend Tumi Mokgau, Lethabo’s younger brother.
Tracy: How did you know?
Aya: I told you to stay away from Beauty and you didn’t listen to me. I know that you’re working with Lethabo and Tumi to bring Qhawe down. Anyways, here, write your last words to your bosses nana. This is your last day on earth.
I stood up and took my keys. I’ll let Nicki do the honours for me today.
Aya: Nicki, do whatever you want to do but make sure she’s dead. I don’t want to see her on the face of this earth.
Nicki: Roger that bozza yami. (my boss)
I walked out and went home.

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