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6 months later

Qhawe's POV:

You all know I messed up right? Well, the family gave me a hard time. They eventually moved past what I did 4 months back. Beauty still reminds me of what I did. In all honesty now that I look back at it, I was wrong for that. Well, her friendship with Aya isn't how it used to be. They're still friends but Beauty is keeping her distance now. As for Lemo, my princess is 10 months old now and she's a diva. I love her nonetheless. Anyways I'm planning a proposal for Beauty. I already paid for her magadi(lobola), but I didn't do a proper proposal. This time I hired an events planner to do things for me because it's gonna be big.

Lethabo's POV:

As you all know, I shot Qhawe and I regret doing that. My life isn't moving, I had to shut my company down because of being bankrupt. All I have is my house and 1 car which is my BMW X1. The bank repossessed the rest of my cars. Tumi turned to drugs and he's a nyaope boy. Everything is falling apart and this is the last straw. I'm committing suicide. I left letters for the twins, Nontsi, my baby girl and Beauty. I can't take this anymore. I've been a bad person all my life and I blamed it on how I grew up. Instead of changing the situation, I carried on with it. It has lead to this.

"I'm sorry my kids, for taking the easy way out" were my last words before falling off the Dr Neil Agget Building. It was eventually lights off for me.

Qhawe's POV:

I won't get much into the proposal. Yes, I proposed and my queen said yes. The celebration was cut short when Lethabo's death was announced. Nontsi was the first to leave followed by Beauty. They went to Lethabo's house where letters were left for the kids and their mothers. We found Tumi and the rest of their relatives there. Well Tumi blamed himself for influencing his brother into doing bad things. Asikho lapho though. Nontsikelelo hasn't been fine ever since.

Beauty's POV:

Qhawe proposed and I was beyond happy. Our celebration was cut short when Lethabo's death was announced. We went to his house and we received letters from Lethabo. Nontsi and the twins received theirs as well as me and Lemo.

Lemo's letter read:

"Dear princess

I'm sure you're wondering who I am. Well I am your sperm donor. I call myself this because I never stepped up to take care of you, my baby. The guilt of almost killing you ate me up every day. I loved you ngwanake, but knowing how abusive I could get, I decided to keep distance. I didn't want you experiencing what your mother experienced. I love you even in my grave. Love the man who raised you. You may not be his blood but he loves you. Respect him and never turn against him, because no one kept you away from me. I did that myself. I'm sorry for taking the easy way out. I was a coward, I know. But I couldn't carry on anymore. I love you ngwanake and take care of your mother always.

Love Lethabo"

Mine read:

"Dear Beauty

I'm sorry for treating you the way I did. You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for trying to shoot you, I wasn't thinking straight and I only thought of winning you back. Whatever you do love Qhawe and stick to him. He will love you and treat you better than I did. I love you Mma Bontle. I always did.

Love Lethabo"

That was deep, but I guess it comforted me a bit. Me and Qhawe were already planning to formally introduce Lethabo to Lemo. Now that he did this, i'll just introduce her to Tumi once he gets help.

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