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After everyone was done we started the plan.

Dustin,Eddie,Nancy,Robin,Steve, And I all went into the upside down. Nancy Robin and Steve went to the Creel house while Dustin Eddie and I went to the portal at Eddie's trailer.

When we pulled up there was hundreds of demo bats and i was literally bout to turn around and leave i hate those things.

"You guys ready?" Eddie asked.

"Always" Dustin said.

"I'm ready" I said.

We dropped the bikes we were riding and went inside his trailer.

There was a mattress for us to land on and it had lots of stains.

"Those stains... Idk what those stains are" Eddie said.

We tied up sheets together for us to climb up on and once Dustin and I were up Eddie cut the rope.


I yelled.

He ran off and i heard music start to play on his guitar.

That attracts the demo bats. He so fucking stupid.

If i jumped into the upside down and landed on the mattress i would get hurt. It's quite a fall.

But like i said i would do anything for Eddie.

I jumped in and i landed on my arm, i think i either broke or fractured it.

I ran out of the trailer and i saw a swarm of Demo bats.

I ran straight to it and Eddie was lying on the ground.

Dustin came after me and i fell to my knees next to Eddie.

"I didn't run away this time right?" Eddie said.

There was blood all over his face.

"No no no Eddie your ok, you didn't run, this was the one time it was okay for you to run"

Dustin came up behind me and sat on the other side of Eddie.

"Dustin watch after my little sheepy okay?"

I didn't know what he meant by that but Dustin did.

"I love you man" Eddie said to Dustin. Then he looked at me.

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Eddie, your not gonna die, just keep taking deep breaths, Dustin help me carry him to his trailer"

I picked up his head and Dustin got his legs.

I saw Dustin's leg was hurt and it hurt to carry him. Fuck i'm gonna have to it. My arm will be fine.

"Dustin your hurt i can get him"

I picked up Eddie bridal style and i got him to the trailer.

"Eddie your gonna be okay, i promise"

"Dustin find something that to ur able to use as a rope to get up and get medical stuff"

"Y/n... i don't think i'm gonna be ok"

"Eddie don't say that your gonna be fine" I started crying and Eddie said "Don't cry over me when i die ok?"

"Eddie your not gonna die i promise, Dustin and I will save you"

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Eddie" Then i remembered i have powers. I used my powers to bring medical stuff to me and i started wrapping Eddie's wounds. I took of his shirt so i could find all the wounds and I wrapped them all.

Dear Eddie,Where stories live. Discover now