Untitled Part 3

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Title: TBD which means to be determined
Fandom: Marvel and Legacies
Love interest: Pietro
OC's name: Hope Mikaelson so not really an oc
OC's Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell


After Hope loses her parents, Hope decides to leave New Orleans and Mystic Falls behind so she decides to visit her Uncle Clint and Aunt Natasha just after they got back from getting Lokis scepter.  What she didn't plan on doing was meeting someone who would become the love of her life and his twin who would become her best friend while gaining a new family which doesn't mean she forget her actual family since her, Kol and Davina talk all the time.  Rebekah, Freya and Marcel.. not so much.


*Hope's favorite Uncle is Kol and Aunt is Davina

* Hope's Uncle figure is Clint and her Aunt figure is Natasha along with Laura while her cousins are Lila, Cooper and future Nathaniel since he hasn't been born yet

*Wanda and Hope become best friends

*Hope is more like Klaus.. think Humanityless Hope in Legacies but she actually has her huamnity on

* Hope is the one that runs infront of Clint before Pietro gets a chance to which inadvertently activates her tribrid side.

* She does not sign the accords

* Lizzie and Hope are best friends(I'm a little iffy about Josie.. not that I don't like her, I just don't like how she treated Lizzie) so maybe Lizzie x Bucky?  But just imagine Lizzie, Hope and Wanda.  A power trio.

*Hopes first kiss was Lizzie at the age of fourteen so not Roman.(I ship Hizzie)                                                                                        

*Hope has a mind connection with Lizzie, Pietro, Wanda, her Uncles Kol and Clint and her Aunts Nat and Davina.                          

*Hope likes to roam around in her Wolf form.                                       

*Lizzie does become a heretic with Hopes blood.  You can decide if it's a life or death situation or not

After The Originals Season 5 

Age of Ultron-Endgame which includes Black Widow.  Her and Pietro are with Nat plus I love Yelena.

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