Bellamy Blake

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Character: Jessie James "JJ" Maybank

Nicknames: Finn: Jess

                          Bellamy: J, Princess, Sunshine

                         Raven: Jamie

Face Claim: Jenny Boyd

Fandom(s): Outerbanks and the 100.

Love interest: Finn Collins and Bellamy Blake

Type: WTS

Reacting: Seasons 1-2 of OBX, Seasons 1-7 of the 100


Jessie "JJ" Maybank grew up in the Outerbanks with her dad who has been abusive for as long as she can remember.  She barely even stays at home anymore since she started staying over at her best friend John Bs place a lot more since his dad went missing.  While searching for the cross that belongs to another one of her best friends Popes family, she helped her dad escape instead of him going back to prison.. not knowing that he planned on killing her before he left.  She ends up in another universe as the twin sister of Clarke Griffin from a show she vaguely remembers.  Her and Clarke butt heads a lot since they're so different.  What happens when she finds out along with her best friend Raven that they sent 100 people down to the ground including her boyfriend Finn along with her twin?  What happens when she finds out that her boyfriend slept with her twin sister?  What happens when she finds herself falling for someone that she has more in common with then she thinks?

Extra: JJ is bipolar and makes impulsive decisions.  She's also an IED which makes her have anger black outs.  She's extremely overprotective over those she cares about.  She's not afraid to get her hands dirty.  She doesn't remember her past with the pogues until she gets to the ground.  She's not a fan of the grounders which will make itself known especially in season 3.  Not after what they did to Finn.  She only really cares about Lincoln from the grounders and Octavia when she becomes a grounder.  JJ, Echo and Bellamy become like siblings.  JJ takes Echo under her wing while in space for those 6 years.  Bellamy doesn't die in season 7.(Clarke couldn't have shot him where it wouldn't have been fatal?  His hand maybe and grabbed Madis book?  Bellamys death was pointless which makes me pissed.  They still got Madi and her book and they still bloody ascended or whatever which Bell believed in.  He died for nothing.)  The ones reacting(the obx cast along with the 100 cast including the grownups to both) come right before the pilot episode of the 100.  Some Clarke and Abby bashing.  JJ was a daddys girl in her new life.

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