6. prom queen!

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eddie at the freakshow

"elsa i'm sorry i left but i really need to stay here again." eddie pleaded.

"you betrayed us. but i do need your talents here." elsa admitted.

eddie couldn't hold back the tears.

he thanked her endlessly.

as eddie walked to his trailer lobster boy jim jimmy came out of nowhere.

"why are you here?" he asked eddie.

eddie turned to him slowly.

they stared at eachother.

then eddie backhanded jimmy and laughed as jimmy fell to the ground.

eddie was chuckling as he entered his trailer.
back at the mott house

dandy cried on eddie's bed for hours while watching edits he made of them together.

he felt so stupid for letting eddie go and trying to gaslight him.

dandy needed to write down his feelings. he went on a journal app he downloaded on his tablet.

hello journal.
this is dandy again. i can't believe i just let eddie walk out like that. i love him. but i know he doesn't love me back. i think i just need to do something other then think about him. wait! i know what i need to do! go back to highschool! i never graduated! wow thanks so much journal! bye for now! 😊

-dandy m

dandy spent the whole sunday night watching back to school videos.

in the morning he got out all of his old school things and drove to the local highschool.

surprisingly, he was able to enroll without any trouble from the staff

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surprisingly, he was able to enroll without any trouble from the staff.

he looked at his schedule and began looking for his first class.

as he stared down at the map, he bumped into someone, dropping his belongings.

"omg i am so sorry!" dandy said. when he looked up he saw the most gorgeous man he had ever seen (besides eddie obvi)

 when he looked up he saw the most gorgeous man he had ever seen (besides eddie obvi)

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you're a freak! | dandy mott x eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now