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Eridan growls at the fairly rude name you call him. You cannot be fishboy he is too busy now being angry at you for calling him such a rude and insensitive name.
You also cannot be the ASSHOLE WITH LISP because he is out cold.
You can't be a SWEET LOVING PURPLE GUY because you are too busy being ERIDAN AMPORA.
You sit there, your adrenaline dyin down slowly, and your body beginnin to ache with newly found pains. You do not remember gettin your hip hit, but the big purple bruise formin tells a different story.
Your knuckles resist gettin clenched and you struggle to get up before rememberin the painful blow to your genitalia. When you give up on standin up, you begin to crawl. You are not sure where to, but, you head toward the fridge believin that to be the place where cold things could be found. You open the door at the smallest bit of cool air comes out, and as a perpetually cold person you shiver. You shuffle around the insides of the refrigerator hopin to find anythin, like over priced water bottles. You find nothin so you hoist yourself up on your arms, then push off the ground to put all your weight on your knees, once you are in this position it occurs to you that you knocked out Sollux. Of course you knew you had, but for some reason nothing registered at the time until this exact moment. And you let out a strained laugh, that fucker went out. You then, after that brief realization, focus on your task at hand and begin to steady yourself enough to now stand on your foot and pull yourself up with the fridge handle. You slide your leg under you holdin some of the weight whilst the fridge handle held most. The pain that comes from your southern regions surges through you body without your warnin and you nearly buckle to the floor. You remind yourself if that happens then you have accepted defeat and will have done all this for nothing. You grab the freezer door and pray to no one in particular. All you cared about was getting somethin to relieve you, not in that way you pervert. You didn't even think about the unconscious body laying on the floor all you cared about was gettin somethin cold. When the door handle opened, a stronger cold breeze runs pasts you makin you, of course, shudder. You rub your eye a bit and realize in front of your eyes, oh praise sweet Jegus himself, a water bottle, of course it wouldn't be your first choice but poppycock your going to use it and enjoy it! Besides this was your only choice. You grab it before you crumple slowly back to the floor and press it to your achin areas.
You shift slowly grabbing your face and feeling the damp area under your nose were it is surely bleeding, your vision is blurred and your glasses aren't on your face anymore.
You lull your head to the side and catch sight of no other than the Dick prince himself. He sat there hunched over on the ground. . . And doing something to his crouch. You hope it isn't something weird. Jesus, you hope it's not weird.
You would. You definitely would, but if it's weird you don't want the weird conversation. Fuck. You really don't want to talk to him again period.
Fuck off, man, I was just knocked the fuck out.
And you are sure that you have sprained an ankle or something because when you shift greatly, a pain surges through you and makes you intensely nauseous. Your shifting catches the attention of Eridiot the fucking Dick (God you are terrible at insults) and you freeze because he has this weird fucking look like he doesn't know what's happening, and fuck fucking what WHAT! Why do you. . .why did you think that. He isn't. . . . . I mean he is- NO HE ISN't shit shit shit. You've been staring too long.
You are now ERIDAN AMPORA. You are still pressing a now semi cold bottle to your crotch, and slowly nursing it back to health. You notice the other guys shifting and you are suddenly hit with this wave of embarrassment, you kinda knocked the shit outta this guy, how fuckin rude, man. You turn to look at him and you just look at his bloody nose and black eye and feel even worse, fucking feelings.
You open your mouth to say sorry or somefin-- SOMETHING*****, fuckin Feferi! You then close your mouth, what are you going to say, 'hey, sorry for beating the shit out if you for no good reason,' didn't sound too good. you snap back to reality when you realize he has been starring at you this entire time, he is probably so out if it he doesn't know what's happening.
You turn away from him and slowly get up, the pain was numbed and you could support your weight perfectly fine. So you wobble over to him, exaggerating the pain that was no longer present between your legs. He looks a bit guilty and you reach your hand out to him, to grab it. He hesitates and looks around the room, finding the popcorn ceiling to be more interesting then you. So you begin your apology that you just came up with.
10 points to Eridan!!
"So, Sol, I. . .fuckin, sorry. I was really angry, for no reason, and. . . Shit how do I say this?" You mumble sitting down on your bed.
"You can say your sorry for being really fucking irritating for the last few hours." He murmurs, his voice a bit hoarse.
"Yeah, sorry for that."
"Well, trust me I don't forgive you entirely, but I somewhat do."
"Ok . . .that's cool. So tomorrow we have to drive (cough) back to Texas, because I have no clue but Kanaya called me." You say flopping down on the mattress.
"Okay." He says quietly.
"Um, so what were you doing?" The question was KILLING YOU!
"I. . . . I was, " he struggles to talk, "I was visiting Aradia's grave." He says in a non-Sollux way.
You make an O shape with your mouth.
"Yeah, this . . . This is where she died and was born, she was buried not too far from here." He says moving a little to stand up.
You nod, at this points what were you even supposed to say?
"Sorry, too, I guess." He blurts out.
You don't respond to that, "well I'm going to sleep, we need to leave early tomorrow."
"Okay, night." He says not intending for you to over hear. But you do.

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