C16: Supporter

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Three years. Three years went by without a single call, letter or effort to contact me.

From what I heard the band split up that year and Noel went solo. He was successful, I was always seeing him on the television and hearing about upcoming concerts. I couldn't deny that seeing him so happy didn't break my heart. I could only watch his interviews for a couple of seconds before I turned away from the screen. It brought back painful memories I spent these years trying to suppress.

The rest of the band had returned to the shadows. Nobody really knew what they were doing. They weren't hardcore fans who bothered to look. One was due to be married next fall, he had found the love of his life and decided the separation from the band was the best thing that ever happened to him. One went political and religious. One decided to give acting a go and wasn't half bad. One tried to continue their musical career but went bankrupt before they could find a new band. So the 'Boosh' boys went on with their lives.

As for me my life changed forever. For better or for worse, I wasn't quite sure. When my novel got published not even my publisher realised the type of publicity it would gain. It was more popular than I could've dreamed. Money was raking in left , right and centre and suddenly I had struck fame with my fictitious 'Graceless'. My publisher felt so lucky to have me as a client, he never would suspected I'd get as much speculation as I did with just one novel.

So my hobby became my profession and I wrote a sequel which was just as popular. Famous London channels requested me on their TV shows to discuss my book and talk about my future endeavours.

I had bought a larger house closer into town. I also bought an apartment for Rich and paid of the mortgage right away. I wanted to make sure he was looked after and after all he did for me he deserved a home that he could claim and call his own. It was the first time in a long time we lived apart but he was so proud of me. I had accomplished so much and he appreciated how I was using my money for good.

He wasn't the only person who was proud. I had someone to come home to after all and who stared at me with such sunshine eyes that reflected their pride. I didn't need Noel when they believed I deserved the world and they even bought me a baby pug to show their admiration of me. I loved that dog with all my heart. I loved him scratching at the door whenever I returned home. I loved how he slept at the end of my bed and how he was always such a happy creature.

I had a home and a family, no matter how small and a successful career. Any sane person in my situation would be over the moon and genuinely happy for the rest of their peaceful life. Yet I still felt there was a part of me missing, maybe I did need him after all.

I sat at my study, exactly three years since the plane incident. I watched my flat screen television wired into the feature wall of the room as I saw Noel's face beaming and radiating joy.

"Yes me and Lliana are still going strong"

His voice echoed through my speakers and I rolled my eyes.

"She's always devastated when I'm out of town though. Bless her heart. One day I'll take her back here to London, to the place I grew up. Oh wow, that sounded so cheesy. Please cut that, it may destroy my rockstar image!"

His joking tone rattled through the walls and I snatched my remote to turn the fucker off. Knowing he was here in London for the first time in three years infuriated me.

I don't know why. It shouldn't have at all. What we were was in the past. I was always going to be just a fuck to him and the interview proved it even more so. He had forgotten about me and with the way things were going mini "Noels" would appear on the television in no time.

I sighed, returning to my work. There were bigger things at hand than my stupid lingering crush for some prick who wouldn't remember my name even if he tried.

I was going to hold a benefit. It sounded like the complete opposite of everything I would want. It'd mean organising a party, organising who would perform at the party, hosting the party, socialising within the party, handling finances of the party and presenting a large cheque in front of the entire crowd to a charity of my choice. Yet I was willing to depart from my anti-social ways for the moment as it was for a good cause.

My money had to be directed somewhere as I was sick of spending it on things I didn't need or rarely used. So, my supporter as we liked to call each-other brought to my attention people who sorely needed it. They were calling themselves 'London Friend', a charity to support the health and mental wellbeing of all those non-heterosexual sexualities in the LGBTQ+ community. They provided counselling and support tackling issues with relationships, identity, personal growth and confidence. They even had a section named 'Antidote' which helped those LGBTQ+ folk who had fallen victim to substance abuse.

It was such a good cause that hit close to home. When I contacted them and told them I wanted to hold a benefit in their name to raise money for their beautiful cause, the manager cried on the phone. I finally felt I was doing something good in the world. I knew buying Rich an apartment and spending most of my money on my well-deserving supporter was a good use of it but it wasn't enough to fully fuel my moral satisfaction. The 'London Friend: Benefit' was an idea I was enviess to not think of myself but was so proud of the one who did.

But who knew how hard they were to throw? My fame had rivalled J.K Rowling but I couldn't even figure out how to hold a party. I had people lending a hand and my supporter took over most of the job. I was just left with the list of people I wanted to perform on stage to entertain the wealthy guests and convince them to donate. I had a list of comedians, performers and singers and still my mind was boggled.

I looked over the endless list again. I wanted them to be able to relate to the charity and really vouch for it. It was so hard to find an out and open performer though even during these times when marriage was legalised for us queers and hate crimes were decreasing.

It wasn't until I stumbled upon a certain name when I found one who wasn't exactly straight but not exactly gay either. I bit my lip and double-checked it, making sure my eyes didn't deceive me. My manager had called all these people and asked them personally if they'd be up for it so I was surprised to find his name on the list. Then again I worked under a pen name and he could be clueless to my true identity. Besides he was in the neighbourhood and it was a good chance to tackle the queers and gain fans in this environment. It would potentially boost his buyers and show how compassionate a person he was doing something for charity, doing something non-profitable to himself. Suddenly it wasn't seeming so ridiculous that Noel Fielding, one of the most famous singers of our time would be on my benefit list.

I realised I had been playing with my ring the entire time. When I stared down to it I realised it wasn't the emerald one he gifted to me so long ago but a single gold band happily wrapped around the finger where I used to keep it.

I cleared my throat and picked up a pen, circling his name. I don't know what employed me to do it. It was a subconscious thing that I didn't even really think about. Before I could even take time to consider my choices there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I bellowed.

The door opened and Rich's head peered through which made me grin. I loved how he was here more than the place I bought him.

"Your 'supporter' or whatever the hell you call each-other is waiting in the car. They're getting testy too, you promised them you'd get going an hour ago" He whined, "Oh and I'm coming too. I'm craving donuts"

I forgot about the venues we had scheduled to look at for the benefit and I stood up and grabbed my coat.

"We'll get you donuts on the way. Shall we?"

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