Reminders of the forgotten

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"The bills are piling up more and more for God's sake. If it weren't for that little brat, we wouldn't have gotten here." The young boy overheard his mother through the door, shivering with every ounce of fear overpowering him, sweat dripping and tears crying for help. Though it was an unusual predicament, it was just another day for the man now known as Yuki. Though it was a curse, it had now caused him to bloom in all his pureness. The screaming had gone on for multiple minutes, and it had gradually declined as time slipped away. Yuki's mind was already out of focus due to his daydreaming. until the closet door swiftly opens up, with his loving father putting his arms out, signifying it was Yuki's time for peace now, although it wasn't always for long. The father embraces him passionately, Yuki wiping off his teary eyes and face on his father's shirt, looking up and smiling like he had been incredibly happy.

Suddenly, Yuki has recovered his sense of reality, only to find Diana leaning on the wall in front of him. He looks up as he shakes away his lack of energy. "Hey," she snaps her finger, "the doctor says he's going to make it, and that getting him to sleep was more difficult than the surgery itself." "Strange man, if you ask me." She walks away, shrugging her shoulders, followed by the sounds of her boots hitting against the floor. Yuki was stressed out, even falling asleep at one point. Though he had waited for such big news, it had not phased him one bit. He sits there with his arms out and legs pulled inwards, as his eyes roll back with the intention of yet another nap. His moments of peace are interrupted by a phone call. He goes to accept the call, but the caller declines; Yuki picks up the phone, noting that there have been no previous calls between the two, but decides to call again. The phone rang for a while, and Yuki was moments away from giving up, up until the caller accepted the call.

"Your emotions led you to your downfall, and you'll pay with your head. Say your prayers;

We are coming. "

The strange man spoke with an eerie tone.

Yuki collects his breath, later putting the phone down and sighing, signifiying his stress. His eyes get heavier by the second; the people in the hallway seem to get faster and faster; the sound of ringing and footsteps gets louder. It gets too much even for him, causing him to throw the phone, turning hours of hard work into mere dust. Yuki blasts out of his chair and heads to the elevator. His chest tightens with every step he takes. His thoughts collide with one another in what seems like an infinite loop. He slams his fist on the wall with his pent up anger. The elevator signal clicks and Yuki's attention is caught. He heads into the empty elevator. He sits down and feels as if his emotions are indescribable. Sitting down and covering himself in shame, the sense of disgust and dissatisfaction had taken over him completely.

[Akira's POV]

Where am I? I can't seem to remember anything. Oh right, Roman. There are too many goddamn tubes inside of me and I can barely feel the blood flowing in my body. The air feels thin. Why are they stopping me? I'm alright. My eyes are heavy as usual... no room for breaks though. Kiyo was there when they died. It was my time to join yest-... wait no, I've gotten my dates all wrong. How long has it been? I will win. No time to blame the Hayashi clan either. I already have won. I exist with no parallel and no comparison. I am just me.

I am.


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