Teen Wolf Imagine for @jamiejunebug

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Here's your imagine @JamieJuneBug. Sorry it took so long! And to everyone who has requested an imagine and I haven't posted yet, I'm so sorry! I've been so busy all these months and I didn't have time to write imagines :( but I promise, I'll try and post them all soon. Please understand, I'm sorry.

You couldn't wait to start a new life at beacon hills! After living your whole life in Beverly Hills as Hollywood's 'It' girl, you definitely couldn't wait to start over and just be normal. Smiling to yourself, you opened the doors to your new high school feeling confident. But after seeing the numerous of people staring at you, you felt your confidence die down. 'You can do this Jamie' you thought to yourself. And with that you walked down the hallway with a small smile on your face.


"Did you see her?" Liam said.

"Who? The celebrity chick, Jamie?" Stiles questioned.

"Yeah, she's so beautiful." Liam said, while staring at you walk down the hallway.

Stiles chuckled covering Liam's eyes. "Too old for you, Lee Lee." He teased.

Liam playfully punched Stiles in the arm. "Oh shut up, Stiles. Don't act like you don't think she's beautiful."

"Oh I know she's beautiful, she's a freaking angel from heaven for all I know. But I got my eyes on someone else." Stiles said, staring at Lydia who was talking to Allison and Kira.

"Of course," said Liam. "But we do know someone who's a huge Jamie lover." He said, smirking at Stiles.

"Isaac Lahey," they both chorused.


You first day in Beacon Hills Highschool wasn't as good as you thought it would be. No one even bothered to actually talk to you. All they did was gossip about you being this famous celebrity who was stuck up and snobby. Even though they haven't even met you before. 'The Perks Of Being A Celebrity' you thought to yourself 'but not the good kind'.

Sighing to yourself, you pulled out your IPod from your bag and decided to listen to some relaxing music. You also took out your favorite book, Looking For Alaska by John Green. No one was inside the school building , they were all watching lacrosse tryouts. And you were by yourself.

You sat down by your locker in your own world, slowly feeling tears drip down your face. I guess today really wasn't your day. As you tried to shake off your horrible thoughts you felt someone trip over you. "Oh my god." You said, checking up on that person who fell on you. He had slightly curly caramel blonde hair and cool blue eyes. "I'm really sorry, are you okay?" You asked this attractive boy. He sat himself up and sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said. "I really am sorry, I didn't see you." You said. He chuckled at you. "It's fine! You don't have to be sorry."

He finally looked at you in the face and his cheeks flushed with red color. His eyes shone a bright blue color and his look at you sent shocks down your spine. It was like you two instantly clicked. "I-I'm Isaac." He stuttered still staring at you. "J-Jamie." You smiled. "I love you." He said. You stared at him wide eyed. "I mean! I love you as an....actress! You were so good in all your movies." He said, nervously. "Thanks, you're a fan?" You asked smiling. "Huge fan." He chuckled.

"What're you doing here all alone?" Isaac asked you. "It's my first day and I don't really have any 'friends'." You said, shyly. Isaac looked at you sincerely saying "I'll be your friend."

Months have passed and Isaac and you were inseparable. He introduced you to all of his friends which made you feel even more comfortable in Beacon Hills, but lately Isaac has been acting strange. He avoids you whenever he sees you and tries his best not to make eye contact with you at all.

"Hey Lydia, umm, have you seen Isaac?" You asked.

"Nope, sorry." She sighed.

"It's alright."


"Isaac!" You called after your 'friend'

But he just ignored as he continued walking away from you, but you weren't taking no for an answer this time.

You sprinted to where he was and caught a hold of his shoulder. "Isaac, will you please stop avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I did something wrong." Isaac said not making eye contact with you.

"What do you mean?"

"Jamie, I need to tell you something about my friends and I. We aren't normal." He said, making you look puzzled.

He took a deep breath before saying. "I-I'm a werewolf, Jamie." He said.

"Werewolf? Isaac are you sure you're okay." You chuckled.

"See? This is why I didn't want to tell you, I knew you wouldn't believe me." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

You thought to yourself twice, thinking maybe he is saying the truth. "Okay then, show me." You said, hoping this was just a dream.

And right before your eyes Isaac turned into a werewolf. His eyes were golden yellow and his side burns grew longer, "I-Isaac."

"Please don't be scared of me." Isaac said, sadly.

You pursued lips before speaking up. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because deaton told me that I've found my mate, and I won't be able to control myself from turning her into a werewolf like me." Your heart sunk since you realized Isaac wasn't talking about you. You've always liked him since the beginning , you were just too afraid to admit it.

"Oh. Well, who's she?"

But before he could answer his eyes turned yellow again and his fangs started to appear. He then let out a loud growl. "I'm . . . so sorry, Jamie." He managed to let out through all the pain. And with that,  he had bit into your wrist which caused you to scream out loud.


You slowly opened your eyes and everything was a bit blurry. Where am I? You thought to yourself. "You're awake." Deaton said. "Don't worry, Isaac will be here soon."

Then memories flooded back to your mind when Isaac bit you. You shivered at the thought. How could he do that? How could he try and kill me? You felt tears in your eyes and before you knew it, you were already sobbing.

"Jamie." You turned around and saw Isaac standing there, his eyes looked swollen and red. "I'm really sorry." He said, walking up to you.

"Get away from me!" You spat. "How could you? Why would you do such a thing?"

"I'm sorry, Jamie! Please let me explain." Isaac pleaded. "You're my mate! You're the one, I love! I know we've only known each other for 3 months. But Jamie I'm crazy for you! And I - I think that . . . I love you." He said, looking at you sincerely. "I couldn't control turning you into a werewolf , because I'm attached to you."

Even though lots of crazy things had happened, you still felt your heart flutter when Isaac told you that. You were shocked. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same way. Now, I've probably ruined your life." He said, sadly.

You slowly walked up to him and lifted up his chin softly. "No, you haven't. We're gonna try and make this work, alright? Human or werewolf. Doesn't matter. Because, I love you too, Isaac." You smiled at him.

Before he could answer you had already planted your lips on his. You felt shocks down your spine as you two kissed. You left like you were on cloud nine and you never wanted to leave.

There was only one thought on your mind: You love Isaac no matter what.

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