He asks you out.

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You both walked around the lacrosse field talking about random things. You and Scott have been close friends since the day he offered to be your first friend here in Beacon Hills. You smiled looking at him since he made you feel happy and special all the time. "What're you looking at?" He asked you, smiling. "Oh nothing," you quickly looked away "Just staring." You said. "So why'd you bring me here again?" You asked Scott. Earlier in the morning, Scott dragged you to the field. He said he wanted to ask you something important and you were nervous about what it is. "Oh right, that. Um, how do I say this? God, I'm so nervous." He scratched the back of his neck. You giggled at the sight of nervous Scott, you found it so adorable. "C'mon Scott, just tell me." You said. "Okay, here goes nothing. Y/N I've always liked you since that day I fell on top you," he said, making you blush since no one's ever told you that before. "And I wanted to ask you out on a date." He said, exhaling. You were so shocked that he asked you out. You needed time to process. "Umm, Y/N?" He said waving his hand infront of you. "YES!" You jumped on him. He spun you around as you both laughed happily.


You were in your bedroom surfing the internet on your phone, when you heard someone burst into your room. You looked up from your phone and saw your best friend, Stiles. "What's up, Stilinski?" You asked him. "Y/N, can I ask you something crazy?" He asked. He seemed pretty nervous since he was sweating. "Sure, don't you always." You chuckled. "Anyways, will you go out with me? I've always liked you and I find you as the most prettiest girl in the world and gosh I just love everything you do, you're so perfect to me and you just drive me crazy and I really want to be there for you at all times!" He said, making your heart flutter 100000 times. You stood there looking at him shocked. You couldn't make out the words to say. You were so happy inside since you felt exactly the same for Stiles. "Right, I get it. You don't feel it too. It's alright, I'll be outta here," he said, sadly. He left your room and you finally came to your senses. You dashed out of your room chasing Stiles. "Stiles! Wait up!" You said as you caught up to him outside your porch. "What?" He said. "I like you too, I want to go out with you! Because you drive me crazy too!" You exclaimed making Stiles' face light up with excitement. You hugged him tightly as he hugged you back.

You sat in your living room with your friend Derek. You've always liked him and you were really glad he was one of your friends. He always seemed like the type of guy who would never fall in love or ask someone out, and that bummed you since you had a huge crush on Derek, but you decided to push away your feelings. As you two watched the movie, you felt Derek put his arm around you. "Um, Derek?" You said quite surprised he actually put his arm around you "Yeah?" He said. "What're you doing?" You questioned. "What? Can't a guy put his arm around a girl he really as in really likes," he said, you immediately blushed like crazy. "You like me?" You said. "More than you'll ever know." He said. Your heart fluttered and you felt those butterflies again. "Do you wanna go out with me? Like on a date?" He asked you. "Yes," you smiled.


You and your friend Isaac both walked into your favorite donut shop. He decided to treat you on a little food getaway since he felt like it. It was one of those days were Isaac loved to spoil you. You both walked to the counter to pick your donuts. As you both looked at the ones you wanted, you felt Isaac brush his hand to yours. You looked up at him and he smiled. "Here are your donuts, sir." The man said, handing over a pink box with donuts inside it to Isaac. "Thanks." Isaac told the man. You both walked over to a empty table and sat down. "Lovely day today." You smiled. "Definitely, and you look amazing by the way." Isaac said, making you blush. "So here's your donuts." He handed you the pink box. You opened it and inside the box were words written in donuts and glacé saying 'Please go out with me? - Isaac :)' you blushed like crazy while smiling. You looked up at Isaac. "Pretty please with cherry on top." He said, grinning at you. "Oh my gosh, I say YES." You exclaimed wrapping your arms around him.


How's this? 😊 I'm taking requests btw! Just private message me :))) I'm sorry I didn't add Liam :(

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