The Present He gets You.

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Heyyy! So hope you guys will like this preference :)


Scott: He always gets you cute little accessories for you to wear! Headbands, necklaces, bracelets, rings. You name it! You love all his presents but you told him he didn't have waste his money on you. ☺️❤️

Stiles: He always gets you books! Since you're a huge lover of books 😉 any book you've been dying to read, he gets it for you!

Isaac: Flowers! He knows that flowers always makes you happy, so he makes sure to buy you flowers just to see you smile!

Derek: Leather Jackets! He wanted you guys to be matching, so he decided to buy you a leather jacket similar to him 😍

Liam: Chocolates! You both are huge chocolate lovers 😍 so you guys would usually watch a movie eating chocolates!

Aiden: Movies! He gets you movies, just so he can cuddle on the couch with you. He just loves cuddles with you so much ☺️

Jackson: Sunglasses 😎 You guys are known as the stylish couple! So sunglasses is something Jackson loves to give his princess.

Deputy Parrish: Teddy Bears! He knows you have a thing for stuffed animals so he always gets you cute little teddy bears ❤️👌


TADAAA! Don't forget that requests are open 😉

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