can I join?

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As sonic entered room 236 he saw a yellow two tailed fox siting there getting healed. Hey excuse me are you the fox that saved me? huh uhh oh your the blue hedgehog that fainted near the village fire so it was you.. what do you mean? Your the one who helped me right? Yes I am well thanks a lot! Sonic sad with a smirk and a thumbs up but I have a question uhh yeah what is it? How did you save me and I'm not sure because it was all a blur but I think I saw the flame's disappear. Well ya see before the village started to panic I invented gadgets in my spare time each invention did different things so when the fire started most of the houses were burnt down same with my house And my gadgets. I panicked for a while and tried to escape the fire until I tripped over what I thought was a rock but I checked and it was one of my inventions. I decided I would use this to help me get though the fire quicker then I saw you lying on the ground and the fire was coming closer to you so I used my gadget to stop it. But it wasn't easy so I ended up going to the recovery centre oh so that's what happened but what did your gadget do that would put out a fire? Well.. this wasn't really the best gadget to use what do you mean? Well this invention can teleport anything anywhere so you can probably imagine... Oh I see it just teleported the fire some where else yeah.. but that's still pretty cool what's still pretty cool? That you made a gadget that can teleport anything of course! You really think t-hat? Yeah I mean it! Uhh thanks.. hey we could use you on our team that's if you wanna join us? Wh-at w-hy!? Well your inventions could really help us get out of a sticky situation that's if we ever got in one. Yeah but still.. still what? Well I'm really weak and shy and when I don't have my Inventions with me I'm pretty much useless! That doesn't matter plus I'll always help you if you need it and when I'm not there I'm sure Sticks,Amy, Knuckles and stuff will help you. Uhh well ok I'll join! Great! You should get some rest I'll be back later and when your healed I can introduce you to my friends. Ok bye uhh wait what's you name? Uhh Tail's is that because of the tails hehe lucky guess yeah anyway I'm sonic, Sonic the hedgehog uhh ok! See ya later Tails see ya! *Zooms off* bumps into Knuckles oww. Huh Knuckles what are you doing here? Amy followed you and I new I had to follow her now she's yelling at the nurse asking where you are. What! Yes she- *zooms of* hey Sonic don't you leave me hanging!! Pov:sorry Knuckles but I gotta go stop Amy WHERE'S MY SONIKU!!!! I am sorry ma'am but- AMY haha when did you arrive he he... SONIKU where have you been!? I've been asking this nurse where you are but she wouldn't say! Ok how about you tell me this at home come on oh no no no don't you try get out of- I'll carry you home Sonic picks Amy up Amy blushes. *Zooms home* puts Amy down are you all right uhh ye-yeah sorry for yelling at you before Soniku will you forgive me? Yeah of course pov:thank god she forget ay sonic! You left me hanging! Sorry Knuckles uhh fine whatever I'm going wait not yet why door knocking huh- what are you guys doing here? Sonic sad he wanted to ask us something oh ok I guess I'll stay. So what did you want to ask us Sonic? Well I wanted to know if your ok if someone joins our group *everyone* who? You know the dude who helped me out of the fire oh yeah that weird two tailed fox yeah. But Soniku does he have anything he can do to help us? Well he can make some pretty impressive gadgets that he used to get rid of the fire wait he used a gadget for that that is pretty impressive though I mean your not wrong Knuckles... I'm in! sticks what about you? Me? I don't mind either way *the rest of them* yeah why not we need another helper so sure!
To be continued...

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