Mr scientist~

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The next day sonic went to the recovery centre to see Tail's. Hey Tails I heard your getting out of the recovery centre today! Hi Sonic oh yeah I am cool you can meet some of my friends today the nurse entered alright your all fixed up now your free to go oh thanks cool come on tails hop on my back wait what- what don't you trust me? Well I do but- ok then hop on! Uhh fine.. Tail's hops on Sonic's back *zooms of* WOOH! How are you this fast!? Because I.. uhh I actually don't know really Sonic well if you think about it goes with name yeah alright we're here! Wooh that was fast. Yeah anyway hey guys Soniku I missed you so much!! But I was only gone for 4 minutes Amy well...that's still a long time! Hey Sonic where's that fox that's gonna join our group? Oh Tail's you can come in! Are you sure.. yeah! He's a little shy that's fine Soniku. Uh he-hello I'm Tail's it's nice to meet yo-you the whole room went silent... SONIKU!! Uhh what wry are you mad! Why didn't you tell me.. tell you what!? How cute he is! Wait what- huh um what that's the first time Tails had ever had a hug I was nice.. ohhh you have two tails their so fluffy! Soniku come feel them! Uhh sure why not *feels* well your not wrong Amy they are really fluffy I know! can I feel them to Mr Tail's!Is it alright if cream feels your Tail's Tails? Uhh sure but why did she call me Mr? Don't worry about it Cream calls everyone Mr or Miss oh ok. Anyways while Cream feels your Tail's let me introduce you to everyone ok then that's Knuckles oh hi does he not like me he sounds angry..he's not angry he just sounds it all the time oh ok The pink one is Amy hello it's very nice to meet you Tail's you to Amy she seems nice yeah she is but she's a bit umm clingy... What do you mean? Uhh your find out later and the one feeling your Tail's is cream isn't she to Young though? Oh she's not apart of the group she just comes to see Amy Miss Amy is a good friend! That's Blaze it's best not do something wrong to any of the girls will she's around or she'll burn you burn you what do you mean your find that out later to. And the last one is Sticks and we'll... Well.. sticks is just a little crazy.. you could say but she's helpful in sticky situations oh that's good. 1 week later that's weird eggman hasn't attacked us for one hole week I think he's planning something.. well your always free to check it out Sonic yeah I'm a go see what he's doing ok see ya wait huh what are you doing I'm gonna bring Tail's! What well I mean he needs to know who his enemy is exactly well I'm gonna get him *Tails humming* hey Tails! Hey Sonic what are you doing here? Are you busy? Uh no I just finished my last invention for today cool then your coming to see what Eggman's plans are come on wait! what! Why!? Because he hasn't done a attack in one hole week and I think he's planning something and you should get to know what it's like uh what n-no! What if I mess it up I'm not good at fighting Sonic! Then bring your gadget's to help still no what if something bad happened to you it would be all my fault if I messed it up! That won't happen don't worry you don't know that! I promise uhh y-you promise yes I promise okay fine.. cool! Let's go! Wait sonic! *At Eggman's base* how do we get in Sonic normally I would just crash the door but since we're sneaking hey Sonic look a vent! Hey your right bud nice job! Th-Thanks but how are we supposed to get up hmm I can fly us up what do you mean? Having two tails let's me fly in the air but I can't fly for to long why didn't you tell me that before that's cool! R-Really? Yeah! So can you fly us up Mr scientist? *Blushs* Ehhh! That's not my name! So I like it~ I'll just fly us up
To be continued...

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